Breathing hard, I managed to grin up at him. His hair was messy yet remained stylish and he had light stubble on his jaw. He looked positively delectable and I greatly wanted to kiss him again. I blinked a few times as I reigned in the hormones. When I got my breathing and my protesting lady parts under control did I trust myself to speak.



I giggled. "I missed you too."

"Oh, I could definitely tell," he teased. "Could you tell how much I missed you?" He stalked towards me, lightly brushing my front.

I bit my lip. "Not at all."

Johnny's eyes shot to my lips then back up again. "I can show you. In a variety of ways."

My cheeks were aflame. "Ooo-or?" I coughed in attempt to eliminate my stutter, "or you could help me eat forty dollars worth of food?"

Johnny smirked as he gently pushed forward. "I'd rather feast on something else."

"Dessert?" I squeaked.

Johnny looked me up and down, "in a sense." He chuckled before stepping away and heading for the living room. "But I am a patient man my dear little duck!"

I clutched my chest, letting out a breath I didn't realize I was holding as I followed Johnny. Hovering in the entry way, I took a moment to observe him. He had taken off his thick sweater, leaving him in a simple black tee with matching jeans. He made himself comfortable, channel surfing and dipping garlic knots into some marinara sauce. Johnny looked up as if sensing my gaze and with a quick lick to his fingers, he tapped the space beside him.

Shaking my head, I picked up a Chinese food container and snuggled close. Johnny wrapped one arm around me and carefully ate with the other. I consumed forkfuls of noodles with Johnny stealing an occasional bite. Johnny eventually stopped clicking, the TV now broadcasting MTV's new years special.

"Ten minutes till the new year love," Johnny mused. "Got your resolutions ready?"

One Mississippi. Two Mississippi. A few more Mississippis past and I remained silent.

"Sweetheart?" Johnny questioned. He removed his arm and turned to face me. My eyes glazed over as my vision blurred which seemed to worry Johnny. He cupped my face and searched my eyes. "Lennon? What's wrong little duck?"

"Why do you call me little duck?" I asked suddenly.

Johnny chuckled, "she speaks." His thumbs caressed my cheeks and I hummed in response. "Do you remember the first day of classes?"

"How could I forget? You made fun of my recorder," I commented.

Johnny smiled. "Yes and you looked absolutely adorable when you glared at me."

"Har har," I replied. "Continue please."

"Ok. And you know that picnic table we shared together that day?" I nodded. "At one point, I was staring openly at you while you began your work. You were so bright eyed and innocent and so very cute.

"I was actually having a bad day. I had met with my aunt the previous weekend and it resulted in another fight then I had to go to class the following morning. Then I saw you. I remembered you from the coffee shop and all I could think of was that karma was finally good to me that day.

"Uhm...while we were sitting, I wanted us to keep talking. I knew I screwed that up so I thought to try again. You made a comment about calling yourself an awkward duck and I just thought that was the most random thing to say about yourself. But in an odd way, it worked. When you looked at me, you had this adorable doe eyed looked on your face that reminded of something pure and thus for some odd reason, I pictured ducklings..."

"So I remind you of a duckling?" I snorted. "Wow, you have a pretty good memory."

"With you I try my best," he winked. "Is it working?"

I shrugged, "maybe? You do get off topic with your story telling though," I joked.

"My one flaw, thanks love," he deadpanned. I snickered before leaning in to peck his lips. Surpringly, he stopped me.

"Something wrong?"

"It's almost midnight love."

Facing the screen, I noticed we indeed had less than half a minute left. My heart thudded against my chest as I stared at the countdown. Johnny's hands had slipped from my face while one gripped my own. Johnny's confession didn't distract me long enough.






"Happy New Year little duck," Johnny grasped my chin and pulled it towards him. His kiss was gentle at first then urgent as his tongue grazed my lips. When I didn't reciprocate, Johnny pulled away. "You've left me again," he asked softly, "is there something else love?"

I sniffled as I looked away. This shouldn't be bothering me this much. I talked to the doc this week and I thought I'd be ok. But it's not. Black and white flashes were burning my brain like a bad movie and I felt on the verge of passing out. My body grew numb and I felt like it was full of lead.

A light brush graced my arms followed by a gentle shake. I could see worry lines on Johnny's brow and his lips were moving in quick bursts. I felt like my head was under water and every sound was muffled. Johnny's hands pressed against my cheeks and I could see him mouthing my name over and over.




It was like the sound was turned on.

"Lennon, please sweetheart! What is wrong?" He pleaded.

I swayed from side to side in his hold as tears filled my eyes. My throat felt clogged and I suddenly couldn't breathe. My breaths came out in desperate gasps as I struggled to take in as much air as possible. It wasn't enough.

"Lennon, slow down! Slow breaths!" He pleaded again.

I was coughing now as I attempted to follow his directions. I clutched my chest as I slouched to the floor. My head was between my knees as my breathing slowed. I could feel Johnny rubbing my back and reminding me of my slow breaths. A moment later, his hand was removed and rapid footsteps echoed away from me.

I waited for the sound of a door slam, assuming Johnny was leaving the mess that was me. Instead, I felt the cool wet sensation of a cloth being placed on the back of my neck. A quiet thank you escaped my lips as a painful silence hovered around us. Cautiously, I lifted my head and was immediately met with Johnny's troubled stare. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, resembling a fish. I spoke up before he could attempt a sentence.

"Want to hear a story Johnny?"


A/N: Dun dun duuuuuun! What could this story be? Stay tuned! Also, please don't forget to vote/comment/fave/share for this and the upcoming flashback updates as well. Thanks again loves and double thanks for sticking around!

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