"Oh, really. Then please, tell me what he said."

He sighs, then I can see tears filling up in his eyes. Castiel, what did you tell him? "When were you gonna tell me that you were gonna put a bullet through your head?"

I stare back at him in disbelief, "Wha- what?" I stutter.

He walks over to the desk, opens a drawer, and brings back my gun and the single bullet that I had in it. That's the same gun that I've had with me ever since I was left in that motel, the gun that I considered using every single day. "You heard what I said," he says, his voice breaking.

"Well, obviously I didn't do it," I pause, "You can tell that I didn't do it because I'm sitting right here having this conversation. Oh yeah, and I've got this plate of disappointment in front of me, that's what I've called it for years. Now seemed to be a great time to announce that."

Dad stands up and slams his fist on the table, "The only one that's disappointed right now is me! I never wanted you to go through what I went through. Going through life with the feeling that there's nothing here for you and the only option that you've got is to give up!"

"Well, as you can see, I really don't have anything but Castiel."

"Then what am I?!"

"I don't really know. Cause you know, my father would trust me and not try to get involved with my personal life," I get up from the table and grab my truck keys.

"I'm only looking out for you!" I hear my dad shout before I slam the door shut behind me. I get in my truck, put my key in the ignition, and head to the nearest bar that I can find. The first time I've been to a bar for about a week, I chug at least seven or eight glasses of whiskey. I have no clue how I manage to get home, but I pass out in the doorway.

I wake up on the couch, dad must've found me. I lay back on the couch, my head is pounding. "Hey!" dad yells.

"Ugh, can you quiet down a little bit?" I groan.

"Do you think that you could have some sense?"

I roll my eyes.

"Well, then it looks like neither one of us is getting what they want!" dad yells. The yelling is killing me so I take a pillow and mash my head into the couch. "You need to get up," dad takes the pillow from me and my blanket. I'm left laying on the couch with nothing, and my dad stands and stares at me.

"What's the point?" I groan, "I've got nothing I'm doing today, or maybe ever again. I'll just lay here, yeah, that sounds good."

"Actually, I told Sam that you would help him with a case."

I stand up, "I'm sorry, what?"

"Sam needs your help in Pennsylvania."

"You didn't think to ask me if this was okay?! Dad, you know that I'm done hunting!" I exclaim.

"You need to do something besides go to the bar all of the time!"

"I'll have you know, yesterday was the first time in a while since I've been to the bar!"

Dad keeps yelling at me, and I keep screaming back at him. The shouting match goes on for about ten more minutes until I give in and agree to help Sam. This case is somewhere in Pennsylvania which is at least eight hours away from where I am. Dad didn't really tell me what was going on, he didn't tell me if Dean was there, and I don't see the point in going.

I call Sam when I know that I'm getting close to the Pennsylvania border, "Sam," I say.

"Yes?" he replies.

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