Part Thirty-Eight

Start from the beginning

Emma offers her mother half of a smile before she leans forward and wraps her free arm around Mary Margret's neck. "Thank you."

"No need to thank me, that's what mothers are for, correct?" Mary Margret questions, tugging her in even closer and forcing a gust of sweet aroma to invade her nostrils. Home.

"Regina, darling," Cora's short snippy tone is still firmly in place as she steps closer to her daughter. Emma immediately pulls away from her mother to watch Cora's interaction with her daughter. "You and Emma have nothing to worry about. You are both wonderful mothers and you've only just begun," the woman's cold face actually cracks into a small smile before she bends down to kiss Henry's forehead affectionately.

Each one of their friends take their time to hug them and whisper encouraging, positive, thoughts before they file into the small court room. Emma and Regina need to simply present their case to the judge, on why it would be in the best interest for Henry to live with them.

"Henry," Milah calls from down a long hall.

Emma's curious green eyes quickly flick to Miss Matthews in confusion. "Is she allowed to see him right now?"

"Legally, yes she is. She is allowed to say hello."

Her hand automatically tightens around Henry's hand and she can guarantee Regina is doing the same thing to his other hand. Her jaw flexes as Milah waves to Henry and the simple gesture causes every single person around them to stiffen.

"Come here," Milah says, waving her son over, but he doesn't budge. "Henry, come on. I want a hug. I miss you," she claims just before she is in arms reach, but he makes no effort in stepping forward.

Henry peers up at Emma first, his dark green eyes expressing just how confused he is right now. His eyes slowly crawl over to Regina for guidance as well, so she smiles down at the young boy and cups his chin affectionately.

"Would you like to give your mom a hug?" Regina softly whispers, but Henry is recoiling, stepping back to hide behind Emma and Regina's hands that are still firmly holding onto him.

"Henry," Milah gasps, leaning forward and holding out a shaky hand while every person is watching her hand carefully as if some sort of evil magic is about to pour out of it. "Mommy misses you."

"My mommies!" Henry demands, shoving Emma and Regina's hands in front of Milah's face so she can see that he wants them and not her.

"Henry!" Milah pleads with her son yet again, but he's refusing to budge even an inch closer.

"You left. Gina and Em don't leave. Dare my mommies. Day love me," Henry softly and timidly explains before he shies away behind their legs.

Every single person is standing motionless, slack-jawed at what the little boy just expressed. Emma feels so unbelievably honored and so proud that he understands what a true parent is and he sees that in her and Regina.

A conservative man standing behind Milah, who Emma assumes is her representative, clears his throat awkwardly. "They are ready for us," he informs the large group of people all gawking at scene before them.

Her and Regina bend down and each hug Henry tight one last time. "Ingrid is going to take you out for a light snack okay? Hopefully by the time you come back, we will be out to visit with you," Emma explains before planting a kiss to his freckled nose.

"We love you, Henry, we will see you in a little bit. Be good for Ingrid okay?" Regina instructs her little prince as he firmly nods in response.

Her girlfriend places Henry's hand into Ingrid's and offers the woman a grateful smile and together they watch as the older woman guides Henry out of the courthouse. Regina then inhales sharply and slips her hand in Emma's before she turns her attention toward her.

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