Masters of Dreams §4

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"I gotta wake up!" Danny thought to himself. "That's the only way out of this mess! How did I wake up last time I had to deal with Nocturn? ...Right, I was shocked awake. But that didn't happen today, even though some messed up things happened...maybe I need to be shocked even more than I already was! Oh boy..."
"Drown me??" Danny yelled at Nocturn. "That's so boooring! Anyone could do that! Don't you have anything more...special? Do your worst! Impress me!"
"Don't listen to him!" Vlad said. But Nocturn had heard enough.

"Foolish boy, you want me to inflict your worst nightmares upon you before you die? I was doing you a favor by ending it this way, but now you've asked for it!" Nocturn said.
"Yeah!" Danny smiled. "Go for it, dude!"
Nocturn was clearly annoyed. He put Danny down and surrounded himself by fog. It looked like a tiny universe, with a lot of stars in it, just like Nocturns own body. The fog spread around quickly. Vlad knew what was coming. He quickly phased himself out of the dream. He didn't want to witness this. Danny just stood and watched. He wasn't sure what was going to happen, but he had to stay if he wanted any chance to wake up.
Soon enough, Danny was surrounded by the fog. It was pretty, almost like he was in space. Danny almost started enjoying it.

Suddenly, the temperature dropped. It was so cold that Danny couldn't move his limbs. He was gasping for air, his face turned blue. The ground disappeared from under his feet. Was he....actually in space? He could still breathe somehow, but it wasn't easy. Danny heard a voice in the air. It belonged to Nocturn. "I have seen every dream you ever had, ghost boy. I know your fears. I know your desires."
Suddenly, a vision appeared before Danny. It was the girl's dressing room. "Hah, really?" Danny thought. Danny himself appeared in the vision. He tried going intangible to peek inside the room, but there turned out to be a ghost shield blocking his way.
"Pffft."Danny said. "I am not that shallow, why should I care about that? ...I'm smart enough to find a way around some silly ghost shield. Is that the worst you've got?"
The vison faded. A new one appeared. This time, Danny could see every ghost he had ever fought. They were all in Amity Park. People were running through the streets, screaming. The school was under control of Walker. Ember had brainwashed all teenagers. Skulker was hunting down adults, capturing them in cages. Vlad Plasmius was in the mayor's office, giving commands to other ghosts to wreak havoc. The Ghost King was watching over everything.
"I've had to deal with that in real life already! Not a problem for me. I beat the ghost king so easily!" Danny said. The vision faded, once again.

Another one appeared. This time, it pictured Danny,Tucker and Sam having lunch at the park.They were smiling, talking about their favorite videogame. All of a sudden, the chirping of the birds made place for diabolical laughter. Danny could recognise it rightaway. He wished it wasn't him. But it had to be. Dan Phantom. The vision continued. Dan appeared right in front of the trio. "I'm here to finish the job that you prevented me from doing," he said. He grabbed Sam and Tucker, flew high up in the air, and threw them down. Danny screamed as he watched his friends slam on the floor. Dan flew down fast and kicked both of them at full speed while they were still lying on the ground. "No, no, leave them alone!!" Danny screamed. Tucker and Sam were groaning in pain. Dan picked them up again, and whispered "which one of you pests shall I kill first? Eeny, meeny, miny, YOU!" Dan threw Sam back on the floor, while still holding Tucker. He looked at Tucker with a terrifying grin. With his free hand, he charged up an ecto energy blast. Danny tried to run and stop him, but it was too late. The energy blast hit Tucker with full force. Dust flew up around them. When the dust settled, all that was left in Dan's hand was Tucker's lifeless body, wounded and burnt.

Dan tossed Tucker away like it was nothing, and flew black to Sam, grabbing her again. Danny couldn't look at the vision anymore, he had to look away. But an invisible force was preventing him from doing that. He couldn't even close his eyes. He thought he could hear Nocturn laughing in the distance.
Dan whispered to the barely conscious Sam: "You know, I almost feel bad for doing this. Almost. Good thing I left my human half behind." Dan hissed and opened his mouth, revealing his sharp fangs. He took aim at her throat, and...
"No, noo, NOOO!!!" Danny yelled. Everything suddenly went white. A strong headache took over. It was a fmiliar feeling
Danny opened his eyes.

To Be continued...

Masters Of Dreams, Danny PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now