Chapter 1

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The stool beneath my feet shook as I placed the crappy plastic star we'd bought at Kmart onto our Christmas Tree.

I stood back to admire my work, the tree itself was festive with its fairy lights and rows of red ribbons. The whole theme worked with the limestone fireplaces wafting smells of toasting oak logs and the snow that could be viewed from the grand French doors coating the pines with white. 

My little girl Cassie clapped her hands in excitement as I took her into my arms swinging her in circles. I could only watch in horror as I miscalculated the distance between Cassie and the trees and her legs went barreling into the Christmas tree I had spent so long decorating. 

*Bang* As the tree fell it cascaded a domino effect of falling luminous lights. I could only watch as tinsel and baubles fell everywhere, destroying my arduous work.

Both Cassie and I paused, looked at the destroyed decorations scattered on the carpet.After another moment of silence, I fell to my knees releasing dramatic mock sobs as Cassie cheered, clapping behind me. Really giving Cassie a performance even though I was dying inside. 

I looked up at the mess to see our chocolate coloured Labrador, Millie attempting to eat the fragments of destroyed plastic decoration.

"Okay, that's enough" I grabbed the dog's collar in one hand and Cassie's waist in the other, hoisting her up onto my own waist.

I deposited Millie into the backyard, then raced up the rickety stairway to Cassie's overtly pink decorated bedroom.

Stopping outside Cassie's door I dropped down to my knees to come face to face with her pouting lip.

"Let Daddy clean up downstairs, why don't you write a letter to Santa in the meantime? Then we can put it in the post tomorrow" I gave a heartfelt smile and she returned it enthusiastically.

"So, I can keep the pony, Daddy?" She said enthusiastically, clutching the sleeve of my shirt. A pony was the only gift she would be accepting this Christmas apparently.

"Hmm, I'll think about it" Maybe I could hire a pony for a day then tell her I released it to go back to its family, where it belonged.

I walked down the stairs and sighed in frustration seeing the pile of chaos – Red, gold, silver and tiny fairy lights littered the lounge room. Grabbing a broom, I got to work sweeping the broken glass and plastic.

<3 <3 <3The next day I took Millie and Cassie for a walk to the post box to send off her Christmas wish-list. Cassie skipped by my side swinging my arm back and forth as we reached the post box.

I attempted to jam Cassie's letter into the overstuffed red box but no matter the amount of force I used I was unable to squeeze the letter inside.

So, instead, I changed my strategy and took out the few letters I was able to reach and what was spilling out from between the slit opening and placed them on top of the post box, replacing them with Cassie's letter.

"Daddy, what are you doing?" With a quick shudder at the frigid cold, I took her hand and quickly marched away with Millie in-toe, as I received some dirty looks from people doing their late Christmas shopping

"Oh, just making sure Santa gets your letter" Millie grips my hand tighter "but what about the other children??" She exclaimed in a whine.

"I'm sure the postman will see it and send it on its way to the North Pole," I said not believing my own bullshit but Cassie with her blind faith gave me an affirmative nod.

As I took a glance backwards I watched as a particularly strong gust of freezing wind carried the pieces of paper away. Releasing a gulp, I quickened our steps before Cassie noticed the paper blowing away on the street next to us.

Christmas was always a hectic time of year. I stopped enjoying it at the age of five when I noticed Santa's presents were wrapped with the same wrapping paper as my parent's gift, destroyed the magic a little.

Not including the expenses, I could no longer afford, being a single father to a motherless child, Christmas was a difficult time.

My wife passed away from breast cancer when Cassie was only three years old, it was hard, but we relied on each other for happiness in our small family, including Millie of course.

<3 <3 <3

Tomorrow was Christmas day and Cassie and I were in the kitchen baking gingerbread treats after our walk. The sweet smell of cookies and icing filled the whole house with a sense of excitement and jolliness. As we decorated they seemed to be disappearing every time I turned around, only to come back to one very guilty face covered in crumbs and one much less guilty face devouring our hard-earned treats on the floor.

I looked at the clock on the microwave and it read 10:30 pm, okay definitely time to put a young missy to sleep, I thought.

Leading her to her room I tucked her under her Hello Kitty donna pressing a kiss to a forehead. I switched on the small Hello Kitty night light next to her bed.
  As I turned to leave I felt a small hand clutch onto my own.
"Hey Daddy, do you think Santa got my letter? Do you really think I will get my Pony?"The twinkle of hope in her eyes made me grateful I had organized the pony hiring service yesterday.

 There had been such a small chance they would have been able to but luckily someone had pulled out last minute. Must have been the goodwill coming back to me.

"We shall see" I gave her a knowing smirk as I left the room switching off the light.

<3 <3 <3

I was woken early the next morning to the sound of the incessant and annoying noise of the doorbell being rung repeatedly. Just the sound you want to be woken up by on a bright and cheerful Christmas morning. Rolling my eyes, I hefted myself out of the warm covers.

Slugging my heavy body down the stairs, I was greeted by the sight of my daughter going to open the door.

"Cassie!" I yelled in alarm, I must teach her better stranger danger awareness. Seeming to ignore me she slung open the door screaming "Santa!" only to be greeted by the sight of a portly white Shetland pony with pink highlights? Was the rent-a-pony delivered early? I was confused but Cassie wasn't, as she squealed and squeezed the near life out of the Pony.

To my sheer astonishment though, she seemed to have squeezed a belch out of the pitiful thing. It wasn't just a belch that came out of its gaping jaw though, oh no a line of red-hot fire soon followed the gas. Aiming straight towards my precious red roses.

My roses! I grabbed a blanket off the couch in the living room and attempted to save my now burning rose bush.

I stared at this pony in shock horror as its eyes rolled to the back of its head, its tongue rolled out of its gaping mouth spit drooling out.

This time it released gas from its backside with a fireball soon following, how its tail didn't catch alight, I have no clue.

This only caused Cassie to squeal louder, hugging it closer.

The backyard was a courtyard with congregated iron fences, so I deposited Millie, Cassie and the retarded donkey outside having been unable to detach Cassie from around its neck.I go around front to gauge the damage done to my poor front yard and to call the fire department.

In the corner of my eye, I notice a brightly coloured package with a bow on top addressed to one 'Arthur Graham'.

Curious as to who would send me a Christmas present I tore it open, inside there was a letter.One was addressed to Satan?

Der Satan, for Chrismas id like a Pony! I now your busy but id really like a pony. Thanks Satan!Love Cassie.

Oh God! but even worse was what I discovered underneath the letter

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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