Chapter 19.1: Ismar Trading Co.

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I jump and pull myself up out of the sewer, coming face to face with a startled janitor. He has "Ergar" embroidered in neat stitching on his olive colored uniform. Tears form at the edge of his eyes, and he's blubbering before I can speak.

"Oh gods, not again! Just take it!" He throws his ring of keys at me and races out the door in a panic. "I need a new job!" he shouts on his way out. I look once at the swinging door and then down at the janitor's ring of keys. Well that was easy.

I peek out the door and check the dim corridor; all clear. I suppose I should wait for the rest to catch up. (why? put the tunnel grate back on and do things the right way. the best way)

"But if I blow this place sky high, the tunnels might collapse underneath!" I mutter under my breath. (so?) "I don't even have the explosives. Besides, if I left them on their own, they'd run around like chickens with their heads cut off." (a tasty proposition, but maybe a little messy for right now) "Exactly!"

"Um...who are you talking to?" I whirl around to see Icarus being lifted out of the tunnel, cobwebs hanging from his ears. Esilea sets him down and climbs up after him. She pulls his wheelchair out of her satchel while the Wyvern scampers up and replaces the grate.

"The hypothetical versions of you that got here in time and didn't slow me down," I reply coldly.

"I was just asking," Icarus mumbles with downcast eyes.

"When aren't you asking questions?" I mutter. Esilea gently sets the inventor in his wheelchair and wraps a thick arm around his scrawny shoulders. She glares at me with thin eyes, her hand resting on her satchel.

Just like when I first met her. (should've finished things there) I square my shoulders and turn my back on them, taking a deep breath—never too late for a rematch. (maybe after you chop the head off the snake) I look to the double doors and sigh to myself. Why didn't things stay the way they were before?

"What's the plan?" Wikolia asks. I turn to answer, but see she's addressing Esilea. The warrior stands tall and begins pulling weapons out of her bag.

"You and Icarus will lay explosives at key points within the building—"

"What?" Icarus interrupts the Amazon. Esilea smiles and hands him the satchel.

"I have to get everyone out of this building." She kneels next to him while he rummages around inside her bag. "As much as I want to protect you, people are more likely to listen to me than the Wyvern." Wikolia frowns, but doesn't say anything.

Icarus casts a glance at Wikolia and sighs to himself. "Fine," he says with a resigned look down at Esilea's satchel.

"You're sure it will burn?" The Wyvern asks as she flicks her tongue out briefly in the air. Icarus grins and wheels past her to the doors.

"It'll burn," he says and rubs his hands together. "Oh, it'll burn." Maybe giving him the explosives wasn't a good idea. (or it was a great idea) The kid's crazy. (maybe we shouldn't eat him) Nobody is eating anybody. Except maybe Wikolia, but that can't be helped.

"And Namonai will deal with the head of the Ismar Trading Corporation." Esilea doesn't look at me while she speaks. She shoulders a javelin and inspects the straps on her armor. "After Icarus and the Wyvern finish, they will meet me in the lobby. If Namonai hits an unforeseen snag..." You're an unforeseen snag. "We'll find him and finish the job."

"Are we to walk out the front like nothing's the matter?" Wikolia asks, folding her arms across her chest.

"Unless you prefer the sewer," Esilea responds. Wikolia scrunches her nose and Esilea nods. "Everybody good?"

"Good," Icarus and the Wyvern reply nearly in unison. The Amazon slowly focuses her gaze on the wall directly next to me. We can play your quiet game if you want, Esilea. I silently nod, and exit the room before anybody can speak.    


Inspired by: "In Napalm" by Avatar

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