Chapter 1

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1 AM there was no creature in sight....okay there was SHANE DAWSON. Shane woke up at 1 in the morning and was feeling too lazy to get up to use the bathroom so he went to pee in his pee bottle, "Shane can't you just get up and go to the bathroom instead of peeing in a Powerade bottle?" Ryland woke up with an face full of annoyance. However, once Ryland woke up Shane was fast asleep so Ryland ignored it and went back to bed. The next morning Shane woke up first we did his daily morning routine and went into the living room to order Chipotle for him and Ryland. Once the door bell rang Ryland woke up while Shane went to go check (it was the food), "Did you throw away your pee bottle yet?" Asked Ryland, "NOPE". Both Ryland and Shane say there eating their breakfast.

Word count 154 and yes Ik this is short but don't worry I'll edit it and make it longer tomorrow (also I thought this chapter would be adorable so ye XD)

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