Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

I need to do something quick.

I raised my free arm and focused all my strength into it. I closed my eyes and I hit him hard with the flat of my palm, square in the chest.

I opened my eyes and saw him looking at me with mild amusement.


My hit hadn't even knocked him off balance. I guess I hadn't recovered my super strength yet. Damn it. I guess it was time for plan B.

"Was that your best shot?" Rudolph asked mockingly.

"Nope, but this is," I said kicking him square in the crotch.

Rudolph exhaled loudly in pain and doubled over. He dropped to the ground and curled up into a foetal position.

"You little bitch," he cried.

"You brought it on yourself, asshole."

"Fuck you! After tonight, you will be looking for a new job! I'm going to tell the head of housekeeping that you assaulted me!"

"Fine, you go and do that," I snapped, running towards the tree line.

He could go and waste the rest of the evening trying to find and fire the non-existent employee who had kicked him in the balls.

That man didn't even realise how lucky he was that my hulk like strength was out of whack. I would have smashed his puny body into a million pieces.

I wondered what Casper would have done if he saw another guy hitting on me? I wondered if he would step in and rescue me like he did when we first met.

He was so attentive back then - he didn't turn to stone the moment I touched him.

I shook my head. What use was there on dwelling on creepers and jerks? I needed to focus on the gatehouse. That's where I would get answers.

I moved quickly across the gardens and into the woods.

Inside the forest, there was thick blackness. The trees were ancient and unmanaged and their branches had formed a thick and mangled canopy that blocked whatever light the night had to offer.

I tentatively moved deeper into the darkness, occasionally glancing back to make sure Rudolph wasn't following me.

I scanned the blackness looking for the supposed lanterns that marked out the path to the gatehouse and for the first couple of feet, I saw nothing.

Then in the distance, I spotted the faint amber glow of a lantern protruding out from the snow. Its light was dull, barely illuminating the immediate area around it.

I walked towards it, blindly. Branches scratched against my skin, my feet caught on the unseen overgrowth, and my face... well that was the worst as it was wet slimy cobweb after wet slimy cobweb.

By the time I had reached the first lantern, I wanted to turn back and go home.

I had two miles of this ahead of me.

I thought the path would be lit up like a sidewalk, however, this was not the case. The lanterns were spaced a good fifty feet apart and half buried in snow.

It was hardly surprising that the staff were walking out of their jobs mid-shift having to endure this!

With good lighting, I could run the two miles in minutes. Without it, this walk could take hours. If I attempted to run it, I would end up blindly bumping into trees.

I took a moment and pondered the possibility of giving up. No, I couldn't. I might not get this opportunity again. I needed to push forward.

So I continued, like the mad woman I was, while doing my darnedest not to face-plant into a tree or massive spider sitting in its cobweb.

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