Chapter 1

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Info ~ (Remember this because I won't repeat it)




Yoruka's POV

From my rooftop perch, I watched the sky turn from a navy blue to a light purple, then a bright, eye-scorching orange, signifying that the sun had now risen. I sighed and slipped down the slanted roof and maneuvered myself expertly through the open window of my apartment. I walked into the tiny kitchen and saw a red scroll with Lord Third's seal sitting on the small "dining table." I stayed where was and instead sent a shadow to retrieve the rolled parchment. A black tendril of nothingness snaked around the scroll and, on my command, dropped the message into my hand. I broke the seal and skimmed through the contents of the scroll, my expressionless face never changing. I sighed and slumped back on my never-used bed. "Great. Lord Third wants me to start attending the Academy. Where I have to interact with other humans. I have to be social! Does he want to kill me?" I groaned, screwing my jewel-green eyes shut. "Oh, well. I guess I have to..." I muttered to myself. "I better head to the Hokage's office."

I willed shadows to cover me, and I slipped out my window. I kept to the darker alleys of the village, unseen. I moved swiftly, heading towards the dome-shaped building beneath the Stone Faces.

----~----mini time skip----~----

I knocked on the door of the Hokage's office. "Enter." I heard a voice, muffled by the door command. I opened the wooden door and gave a small, polite bow. I raised my head and met Lord Third's eyes.

"What is the meaning of this? Do you really mean to shove me in a tiny classroom with a bunch of other annoying humans?"

I stated, my voice showing no emotion. I held up the red scroll, now opened. The Hokage sighed and replied, with just a little pleading in his voice,

"It will be a good learning experience for you. You should try to make friends! Open up a little, Yoruka."

I huffed.

"Fine. I'll try it. I can't guarantee about the "making friends" part, though."

Lord Third nodded.


Shadows swirled around me and I disappeared, teleporting to the outside of the building. I looked at the scroll again and my eyes widened. I started tomorrow!

Oh, well. It's not like I had anything to do tomorrow, anyways.

——~——time skip till next day——~——

Still Yoruka's POV

I slid off the roof and into the little living space. It had been clear last night so I had gotten to see more stars than usual in the sky. It was pretty. I stood in front of the tiny mirror in the minuscule bathroom, retying my long, silky, arctic blue hair into a fresh ponytail. I gazed at myself in the reflective glass, studying my appearance. Acceptable. Shadows swirled around me and when they unfurled, I was standing in front of the Academy.

I looked around. Other children stood scattered around the courtyard, and an especially large group of girls seemed to be huddled around a raven-haired boy. He seemed very unamused. We made eye contact for a second, and I stared back at him with cold, unfeeling eyes. His eyes widened a fraction, seeing my reaction to his harsh glare. I huffed and turned away, breaking the gaze to peer around again. To my right, there was a spiky haired blonde who was sitting dejectedly on an old swing beneath a tree. He had startling blue eyes.

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