Chapter 2

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//I'm back you bit**** (I'm not that bad lol)! Thank you for all your messages my lovelies! And to the haters? Get out!\\

I land onto the cost of the cove! My talons sink to the rocky pebbles. I can't believe I have to waste my time doing this when I could be doing more important dragon stuff! UGH!

I flap.

The dragons which were crowded around the cove, standing around us, gasp at my mighty flap

The energy is rising. I can feel the tension between all the dragons. Unsure of their once so steady champion, toothless not to be outdone, sends out a mighty call, sends a warm feeling to my neither region.
Ugh! This must be one of his fighting moves! But I am stronger and better than he!
"You won't be able to defeat me Y/N!" He grows!
Omg he knows my name!
Ugh I need to pull it together!
"Whatever uh.... toothy" the crowd which was gathered around the cost, is put into shock for my ignorance to his name.
We start growling at each other. Each shake from our throats courses through the ground like an unexpected thunder storm.... and I'm the lightning.
I leap then and attack him with all my trained battle moves. First comes the tetrahedron.  I kick him in the underbelly then while he is on two feet spin him and send him falling down. This earns a massive applause from our audience who are totally loving me.... as they should!
But!! Toothless doesn't stay down!
How? That move kills on stinky armpit!
But he just gets pack up His muscles pumping with fervor and delight at finally having met an equal in the fighting pit. His bulging thighs coarse against the ground as he takes off from his slump and knocks me clear off of my feet!
Ouch! The impact from his extremely strong muscles were exponential. I fall the ground but that doesn't stop me as I get back up and do the 'triple spin whip shot blast' and hit the mighty dragon three times in the face. He flies backwards into a rock which causes an even worse impact. That had to hurt!
"You're nothing without your human!"
Just then something happens that I can not even describe. Toothless gets this wild and raw lookin I'm his eyes as if I have hit him again, only this time square in the heart. My stance losses at the soft look in his eyes, I open my jaws to say something... what I'm not quite sure but then his entire being starts glowing this magnificent blue color. It lights up the cove and my mouth drops open. I feel the need to present myself and bare my neck... and I HATE that feeling.... but under toothless it just feels right.
Faster than a bolt of lightning he shatters fire onto the ground beneath us creating a windstorm of flame and heat sending the dirt up into the air, clouding my vision. His dragonfly form disappears behind the windscreen if deception and I look around frantically searching.
"Toothless? Are you okay?" I find myself somehow caring for his well being.
No sooner are the words out of my mouth than I am being slammed down into the ground by a force so heavy not even sixty dragons could lift it.
The next thing I see is him on top of me. The light he emits is so bright I can barely see anything else. His muscles throb and sweat drips from his face and body. There's no way I can move his full weight is on me now.
His sudden proxmitity to me starts something in me that was never been before. I'm not what one would call... popular with the men. I'm a tough girl who scares away those not strong enough to put up with my attitude. But with Toothless on top on me... his solid weight pressed against my soft stomach. Well, let's just say that that's a feeling a girl could get used to. His beautiful sneer over me makes me want to reach out and slap and kick and love him all t the same time.
"1...2....3 and TOOTHLESS WINS!" The dragon referee shouts and the dragon crowd goes wild in their seats letting out a chorus it'll rawrs that echo towards the sky. 
"That was for Hiccup." Toothless snarls at me. All the light feelings that had been bubbling up from where I had shoved them sudden pop.
Of course it was all for the stupid, stupid human!!! Why would a dragon and talented and beautiful ever want to be with me!
I fly off in a huff, determined to do something about that human!

//cliff hanger!!!!!!!!!!!! Omg! I was so excited to get this chapter out!! I hope you all enjoyed it! My friend Tiffany is now reading over these for me (thanks girl!) so they should be getting better!\\

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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