12 : 00

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(In Daehwi's ward)

After Yerim left, the two keep quiet. Guanlin focus on his phone while Daehwi just watch some random videos from YouTube. He sigh as he wanted to say something.

"Yo Guanlin" he called


Guanlin turn off his phone and put his phone away. He turn to face Daehwi. Daehwi wear on an apologetic looks.

"Uhmm Guanlin, will you be mad if I be honest with you?" Daehwi asked

"Depends on the situation" he replied

Daehwi inhale amount of air then exhale. He shut his eyes tight.

"Actually..I don't have temporary amnesia" he confessed

Guanlin's eyes went wider than usually. He look at Daehwi then chuckle awkwardly.

"Yah, you are tired. Go to sleep" he said

Daehwi frowned as Guanlin didn't trust him. Guanlin must thought he is high in all of sudden.

"No. What I said is true. I was just faking it" he said again

Guanlin squint his eyes as he look at Daehwi.

"I don't trust you"he said

"He's right. He's in a good condition except for the fact he actually hurt his head" a deep voice ring out

The two turn their head to the person. The doctor who treat Daehwi earlier is leaning against the door frame. He then approach the two guy.

"W-what? You..lied?" Guanlin asked in disbelief

"Yes he is"the doctor said

Guanlin sigh and look at Daehwi.

"Why in the world you did that? If its for fun purposes, I'll murder you right now"he warned

"No no. It's because I would like to see how she could react but in the end it turns out worse" Daehwi said

"Urghh Lee Daehwi you little rascal. You know how much Yerim love and care for you. She must be worry sick right now"Guanlin whined

"Ahh I'm sorry. I'll make it up for her"Daehwi smiled

"Good. If you ever hurt her I'll take her away from you without any hesitation" Guanlin threatened

Daehwi frowned. That's too much.

"Don't you dare bro. She's mine"Daehwi said

"Ehh if you hurt she's not yours"Guanlin said


"Well boys, here is the explanation for everything. Hope it will help you"the doctor said, handing a document

"Thanks" Daehwi said

The doctor then left.

Suddenly Guanlin's phone ring, he pick it up. It's from Woojin.

"Hello h-"

"Guanlin are you in the hospital?"

"Yes. I'm with Daehwi. Why?"



"We're in the hospital too"

"What? What are you doing in here? I mean, who's-"

"Yerim fainted and hospitalized again"

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