05 : 00

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Its morning and Yerim has been awake. She take a bath and change into her school uniform. She grab her stuff and walk downstairs to see her parents and her brother are having breakfast. She greet them and they did the same. She sit next to Woojin.

She eat her pancake and drink her strawberry milk quietly. Usually she is the the most talkative. But today, she just keep quiet. Her parents and brother realise her change.

"Honey, is there something bothering you?" Mdm Park asked.

But she didn't answered. She's deep in her thought about Daehwi. She feel sorry for Daehwi.


"H-huh? Uhh sorry for spacing out. Did you called me just now?"

"Yea. What is it that bothering you?" Woojin asked in concerned.

She just smile and shook her head. She done eating and she put her dish in the kitchen sink. She bid her goodbye to her parents and then left the house with her brother.

All the way, she keep spacing out.

"Hey, you can tell me what's happening" Woojin said.

"Nothing I'm fine."


"Yerim! Woojin hyung!"

They turn around to see Daehwi running toward them.

"Hey Daehwi!" Woojin said.

"Aye Daehwi" Yerim said.

Yerim just plainly smile to Daehwi and Daehwi did the same. The three of them walk together to the school. Woojin and Daehwi talking all the way,leaving Yerim alone.

"Uhm..oppa?" Yerim called Woojin


"I-I will go ahead first."


"I have something to do so yea. Bye."

Yerim bow at them before running away. As she step into the school area,all the student look at her.

"Ah Yerim unnie! Are you okay?"

"Hey Yerim are you okay?"

"Yerim sunbae-nim,get well soon"

She just smile and reply their question and thanked at their concern. She continue to walk around the school and all the students greet her as she is very popular.

As she walk toward the music room, she accidentally bump into Min Jisoo. She really treat Jisoo like her own older sister but its Jisoo who betray her.

Yerim immediately bow at her and mumbling 'sorry' under her breath. She was about to walk away when Jisoo grab her wrist,stopping her to do so.

"Uhh..c-can I help you?"

"Nope. But I need to show you this darling."

Jisoo held up her chin forcing her to look at her. She then point at her neck and her expose collarbone which cover with dark marks.

Yerim gulped and her eyes trembling. Jisoo smirked and squeeze Yerim's bandaged right hand. Yerim begging her to let go because its really hurt like motherfxcker.

"Do you see this marks? Well its from your boyfriend. This prove that he didn't even love you because he marked someone else." Jisoo said proudly,squeezing Yerim's hand harder.

"J-Jisoo..l-let go. Its hurt"

Jisoo smirk and squeeze Yerim's hand with all force then let go. Yerim immediately hold her right hand with her other hand,wincing in pain.

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