14 : 00

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It has been a month Yerim didn't awake. All of them are very worried about her, especially Daehwi. He really miss her. He miss her loves, chuckle, smiles and everything about her.

After school, Daehwi immediately head to the hospital and enter Yerim's ward room. Hoping that its Yerim who will greet him but sadly, its the sounds of machine beeping and her soft breathing pace greet him. He sigh but put on a smile anyways.

He close the door behind him and walk toward her bed. He sit on the chair provided beside the bed. He glance at her pale skin. She's still beautiful even though she's in this state. He hold her cold hand and kiss the back of it.

"Hey love..it's me Daehwi. I'm here to see if my baby have been awake or not" he whispered softly

"I know you can hear me out. Baby, Yerim, please wake up for us. All of us miss you. The school is not the same as usual without your presence" he ranted

"Your brother, Woojin, he is really sad. He have become cold and distant. He also skip meals for few times. Sometimes he would crying about you"

"Your parents are very worried about you. They really miss you. They want to see you but now you're in this condition which cause by me, they can't"

His eyes start to blurry due to the tears that covering her vision. He hold her hand tighter. He start to cry. He let out soft sobs.

"Gosh Yerim, I can't forgive myself for messing up with you. Please wake up Yerim. I..I-I can't live peacefully knowing my Beloved is in this state that's cause by me" he cried out

"Once I lose one of my Beloved person which my dearest dad. Now that I don't want to lose you baby. I really need you to be with me" he cried

He wipes his tears away and look down at Yerim. She's crying too. Drops of clear water falling down from her closed eyes. She heard it. She heard everything but she can't move. Tho she have been struggling to move her body.

' Ahh why can't I move?! Please I need you too Daehwi. I'm so lonely in here. I'll be awake for you. Very soon ' Yerim said through her heart

Daehwi glance at the time of his watch and it shown that its 8:30pm. He need to be back by now.

He kiss her hand once again. Then he get up, plant a kiss on her forehead and slowly down to her pale lips. He kissed her lips as if she's responding the kiss too. Then he pulled away. He kissed her cheeks.

"I'll see you tomorrow babe. Sleep tight. Be awake for us. Love you" he mumbled

He tucked her in nicely then left.

Without him knowing, Yerim is determine to wake up.

' I need to wake up for everyone ' she said in her heart.

new chapter~

is it a trash or what? Hope u like it tho. Sorry for my mistakes.


인형 [daehwi]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora