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The rain was just a nuisance.

He winced when the initial drops hit him and slid towards the stab wound on his legs. But he didn't stop. Or rather, he couldn't stop.

He ran down the fields with the greatest speed his legs carried. Once he was a fast runner. Probably the fastest in the land. But now he is out of training. His legs seemed to push back the hard ground, kicking away the land he once belonged. He felt the cold on his skin, but his inner heat made him feel clammy. The rain didn't hel at all.

Don't look back. Don't ever look back.

But now, it seemed harder than ever to follow the rule. All the years of bliss and peace combined with his age had made him a coward and he seemed to have lost his wits. He narrowed his eyes to see through the now fast rain.

It is going to be storm. Just like last time.

But he knew no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't outrun them. But he didn't want to do that. He just wants to outwit them. And it is easy for him- Hallard, the slayer.

He looked down at the earth. The land which was once green and lush. Now it just looks decayed. Everything is dead and the once bountiful place, was now a snow covered wasteland.

Death and destruction.

These words echoed in his mind. But he pushed himself forward. He had vowed to himself that he is not going to let that happen. And he had to keep his promise to her. That's vital.

His legs gave way when the thought of her crossed his mind. He stumbled on the rock and before he knew it, he was sprawled on the snow covered ground. But he didn't try to get up this time. He lay on his back as the rain beat down on him. The howling of the wind was a welcome sound for him and he cherished the last moments of his life. For he knew what was coming.

And it came swiftly. Hallard let himself smile when his old friend approached him, a mad smile on his face and his long sword clutched tightly in his arms. Seeing that sword made him both happy and nervous at the same time. His friend is a known warrior and maybe he is right for the job. But the power that comes with it is another story.

"It hasn't rained for years, has it? The land, it is going to heal. Use your wits, please," he said wincing. He must have lost lot of blood by now. His vision blurred. The pain was blinding and he couldn't seem to feel anything but his legs. He almost lost sight of the warrior before and all he could see was the gory red of the blood. The rain has washed away most of it but the wound was still open. Looking at him made him cry. Cry for the pain he inflicted on his friend. Still he saw the red,  the color of death and destruction. He winced again and brought himself to the reality.

"You are right, Hallard. The land will heal. We just want her, you know. Then I will pardon you. All of you."

The slayer just laughed and looked at the gray sky. He was always fascinated by rain, even as a child. It was cleansing, it was pure. Purer than this land.

"You bastard, how could you do this?" The warrior shouted lifting his sword as if to show Hallard that he had the power. Hallard knew his old friend very well. Power was a poison. And it had intoxicated the warrior a long time ago.

"You can kill me, my friend. You can kill thousands but this, wouldn't stop." Hallard looked straight at his eyes. He pleaded for the last time. "You know what could be done. I know you are not as ignorant as the others. So please, think. Please." The last word came out as a gasp as the pain is unbearable now. Red spots danced before his eyes.

The warrior lowered his sword, looking helpless. But Hallard wasn't afraid. He knew what was coming, he had anticipated it for years. And strangely peace was easy to find.

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