I smile at how sweet he she and answers, “Its ok Jace go have your meeting, and I’ll be ok; Alexis and I can hang out. Don’t worry about me.”

“Don’t worry Jace we don’t have to leave for another half-hour, enjoy finishing your breakfast with Danni and meet me outside when you are done.” Erik tells Jace as he nods towards me with a smile.

Leaving us, I look at Jace and ask, “What’s the name of your pack? It’s sad that I don’t even know it.”

“It’s our pack, not just mine and it’s called the Silver Moon Pack.” He aanswers as he carries our plates to the dishwasher.

When he is finished he turns around and says, “I don’t like leaving you.”

“Well honey you have to get over it, I’ll be fine. Go be Alpha and kick ass in your meeting.” I reply with a cheeky grin.

Laughing he pulls me into a hug and tells me, “You know exactly what to say to pump me up. I’ll be back as soon as possible and stay out of trouble.”

Walking in the kitchen Alexis sees us hugging and grins like a crazy person.

“Hey Erik is ready when you’re done Jace. The sooner you leave the sooner you can get back.” Alexis sings at Jace.

With that Jace kisses me goodbye and rushes out the door to the wainting SUV. Laughing, I follow behind him with Alexis and we walk towards the front door. Jace and Erik waves’ goodbye as they pull out of the driveway. Walking back inside, we end up in the living room.

“So what do you want to do?” I ask Alexis.

She thinks for a minute when she jumps up and says, “At the gym in town they have this new yoga class that is supposed to be amazing. We can take the boys with us, since they have a daycare and after the class we can use their spa. Then take the boys for some ice-cream.”

I like the idea, it’ll be nice to stretch with some yoga and you can never go wrong with ice-cream.

Jumping up I say, “Ok, let’s change and get going!”

After fussing with the boys and the promise of ice-cream, we leave them at the daycare and make our way to where the class is. We set our mats up and sit down to want for everyone else. Right away Alexis asks if Jace claimed me and I say yes. She jumps up and down like a Mexican jumping bean, making me laugh; I guess she approves. We continue to talk until the door closes. There are nine women and four men in total.

Looking at the teacher I gulped in a breath of air, trying not to laugh. Alexis looks at me with a weird face, so when she turns to look at the teacher; her face is priceless.

The yoga teacher was giving Richard Simmons a run for his money. He was wearing hot pink glitter top with I’m Sexy and I Know It written on the front in a neon green with matching glitter hot pink short shorts. He had no hair on his head, but plenty on his arms and legs. The worst part is that the shorts kept on riding up north to a place that should not be seen by human or werewolf eyes.

Trying to control my breathing, I look at everyone else in class and they are equally surprised. Alexis is handling it way better than me, but she won’t look at me.

“Ok ladies and gents let’s get started. Start in dogward facing dog.” Mr. Glitter pants says in a surprisingly deep voice.

Clearing my mind I get in the pose at ease. I try not looking at anyone, because I know I will start laughing. However God had a different plan for me, I look over at Alexis and she is trying so hard not to laugh as our teacher is bending done right next to a guy’s head. The guy is trying so hard not to make a scene. It seems that Mr. Glitter kept on moving closer to the guy’s head, but before you know it Alexis falls face first into the ground laughing and I come right behind her. Every time we would start to stop laughing we would either look at each other or the teacher. Soon enough the whole room is laughing.

Mr. Glitter is clearly pissed and with one look, he yells at use to leave and trust me you didn’t have to tell us twice. Once we make it outside we are still laughing our asses off.

“Well that was a waste. Let’s go to the sauna.” Alexis says after we stop laughing.

We stayed in there from a good half-hour and laughed some more at the yoga class. Once we were done we showered off and get dressed into a fresh pair of clothes. As we walk to get the twins I notice that Luke was at the gym. I shudder at him and quickly follow Alexis before he sees me. We grab the boys and head out to an old timing ice-cream parlor.

After we order and munch on our ice-cream, Alexis phone goes off.

“Hey Jace, yeah we’re out getting ice-cream. Ok one sec,” Alexis says before handing me the phone.

“Hey baby what’s up?” I answer.

I can hear the smile in Jace’s voice when he answers, “Nothing much sweet-heart we should be done in an hour or two. What have you guys been up to while we’ve been gone?”

“Well we went to the gym for a yoga class, got kicked out of the class in less than five minutes, went to the sauna, and now we are pigging out on ice-cream. All in all a good day.” I happily answer as I steal a bite of Kent’s ice-cream when he wasn’t looking.

Amused Jace replies, “How in the world do you get kick out of a yoga class? On second thought I don’t want to know. So much for staying out of trouble, I knew something was going on; I could feel it.”

“What do you mean you felt it?” I curiously ask.

Replying quickly, he says, “Since we mated, I am intertwined with your emotions. I can feel when you are really happy, sad, afraid and so on. Sorry babe, but I got to go. I’ll tell you more about it later when I get back.”

“You better mister. I love you and be careful,” I reply.

Laughing Jace answers, “Ok, love you too Danni.”

Hanging up, I hand the phone back to Alexis. We slowly finish our ice-cream; well the boys got more on them than actually eating it. So we pack up and leave to go home.

As Alexis takes the boys upstairs to clean them up; I walk into the kitchen to start dinner. However I fail to notice the dark figure lurking in the corner next to the doorway as I pass by before feeling two hands grab me.


 Jace’s POV

We were able to leave earlier than expected and I was happy. The meeting went well, but there is this rogue pack causing problems in the west and pack in the south. I have to find a way to handle it without causing a full blown war. Sighing, I shake my head and think about Danni and how she and my sister getting kick out of a yoga class. Erik was just as amused as I was.

She is the only person I have ever met who can be considerate and loving one moment before switching to being playful and silly. When I am with her, I can be myself and peel off the Alpha exterior that everyone knows. Danni has honestly made me feel complete with myself and I can never imagine life without her.      

We are about ten minutes away when a wave of fear hits me. It’s a mixture of pain, distress, and betrayal that makes me feel sick. Shit, Danni is in trouble.

Looking at Erik who is driving, I shout, “Hurry to the Pack house something is wrong!”

Without asking Erik floors the SUV towards home and pray that I can get to Danni in time.

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