They were supposed to try to get to know each other by asking guestions that were on the blackboard. The questions were stupid and Jessica wasn’t in the mood of talking at all. She didn't say anything, she only wanted to get out of there.

Yoona opened her mouth many times but didn’t manage to say a word. Finally, she got her voice back.

‘Are we gonna do this?’ she said.

Jessica was surprised by Yoona’s voice. She had been expecting something more girly, but the girl’s voice was actually huskier than that of many of her friends. Jessica stared at Yoona, who looked down blushing slightly.

‘Ok. First question: what’s your name?’ Jessica said. She could as well use her time to this than just sitting here.

Yoona looked surprised, but pleased.

‘Im Yoona,’ she answered. ‘What’s your name?’

‘Jessica Jung,’ Jessica said. ‘Question two: what shampoo you use?’

So stupid...

Yoona answered. The shampoo was the same Jessica was using.

They continued like that, not talking about anything else. They didn’t look at each other, except for few glances. Yoona’s friend called her ocassionally, which made Jessica want to shout at the friend. After a long time the class ended. Yoona smiled a little and was about to say bye to Jessica, but Jessica didn’t look at her, she just took her bag and hurried to Sooyoung.

‘Jessica, Ice Princess,’ Sooyoung criticized. ‘Look at her face.’

‘Whose face?’ Jessica pretended not to know.

‘The girl you were talking with! Seriously, was she that bad?’ Sooyoung asked.

‘Well, yeah. She just kept giggling with her friends. That was so annoying!’ Jessica answered.

Two hours later Jessica and Sooyoung were sitting on the school yard. Sun was shining and there were a lot of other students on the yard as well.

‘But believe me, I won’t go to the teather classes anymore if I have to be that girl’s pair again,’ Jessica explained.

‘Jessicaa...’ Sooyoung said smiling teasingly. ‘You’ve been talking about that girl ever since we left the teather classroom.’

‘No I haven’t,’ Jessica denyed glaring Sooyoung.

‘Yes you have. And I know why: you like her,’ Sooyoung said and smiled widely.

‘No I don't! I’ve tried to explain you the whole morning how she’s so annoying and you think I’m fond of her?’

‘Ha! You admit it. You have been talking about her all the time,’ Sooyoung said. 'You think she's cute, right?'

'No,' Jessica said and let out a frustrated sound.

Ok, maybe she thought Yoona was cute, but that was all. Cute and very pretty... Or at least Jessica liked the way she looked. But that didn’t mean anything! Yoona was still annoying and an idiot, and that’s it.

‘Jessica! Sooyoung!’ someone called. It was their friend Taeyeon, who hurried towards them.

‘Taeyeon!’ Sooyoung called smiling and stood up.

Taeyeon stopped in front of them. She and Jessica both looked at Sooyoung.

‘Why are you standing? Sit down!’ Jessica hissed and pulled Sooyoung back to the bench.

Sooyoung looked embarassed. Jessica sighed and turned to smile at Taeyeon.

‘What’s up Tae?’ Jessica asked.

‘Nothing much. I have a pile of homework and practises this evening. I don’t know how I’m gonna do it all. How about you?’

‘Jessica likes a 10thgrader,’ Sooyoung answered before Jessica could open her mouth. She gave Sooyoung her death glare.

‘What?’ Taeyeon exclaimed. ‘How did that happen?’

She sat down next to Jessica.

‘They met in a teather class this morning,’ Sooyoung told.

‘Be quiet!’ Jessica told her best friend. ‘I never said I like her..’

‘But she does,’ Sooyoung continued.

Jessica nudged Sooyoung with her elbow and Taeyeon laughed. Sooyoung looked at Taeyeon smiling.

Taeyeon’s cell phone beeped. She took it out from her pocket and an excited smile appeared on her face.

‘Who is it?’ Jessica asked, though she already knew. There was only one person who made Taeyeon react that way.

Taeyeon smirked.

‘I gotta go! Bye Jessica. Sooyoung,’ she said and hurried away.

They watched her go. Sooyoung gave a sigh. Jessica looked at her feeling sorry for her best friend and tapped Sooyoung’s shoulder for comfort.

‘There's nothing wrong with you. You know she’s in love with Tiffany Hwang,’ Jessica said.

‘Yeah,’ Sooyoung sighed. ‘I just wish she would notice me... I don’t have a chance, right?’

‘Of course you do!’ Jessica comforted. ‘If Tiffany rejects her.’

‘She won’t! I mean, how could anyone resist Taeyeon?’ Sooyoung said longingly and sighed: ‘She’s amazing.’

Jessica made an agreeing sound. She knew Sooyoung didn't have a chance with Taeyeon, but she wouldn't say that to her. Jessica knew Taeyeon for a long time and for a moment she thought about telling Sooyoung a few things about their past. Oh well, maybe later.


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