Walking into the kitchen Alexis is running around stirring pots and checking the oven. Spinning around huffing before saying, “About God dang time, Danni help me in here and Jace go out to the grill and check on Erik, we both know that he is not lucky with fire.”

Giving Alexis a salute, Jace kisses my forehead and walks outside. That gives us loud awe from all the women in the kitchen which makes me blush. Jumping in to help Alexis I get better acquainted with everyone. Some are really nice while some are annoyed that I’m with Jace, but hey they’ll get over it.

Once everything is done and set on the buffet on the back deck, I grab two beers and walk out to find Jace. I see him at the grill with Erik and Mister Creep-o, but I muster up my courage and walk over. Jace and Erik greet me with a smile while Sir Creepy Guy gives me a cold stare. What is with this guy?

Handing Jace a beer I look at Tall, Dark, and Creepy and say, “Hey I’m Danni and you are?” 

I see that he is taken back about how forward I am, but I don’t like how his is looking at me and I want to prove myself.

“I’m Luke and I joined the pack a few months ago. I’ve heard a lot of great things about you Danni,” he says which creeps me out a lot.

Turning away from me, he looks Jace and says, “It is nice talking to you Alpha, but I have to be going; see ya Erik and it was a pleasure to meet you Danni.” He nods towards me.

He gives off a bad vibe and I am a good judge of character; I’ll talk to Jace later. Once Luke is gone, we all fall into an easy conversation about the upcoming college football season. When Jace turns off the grill and loads the hot dogs and hamburgers onto a big platter. Walking over to the table he sets it down and turns to the crowd of people.

“Everything is ready, but before we eat I want everyone to meet Danni, my mate. Make her feel welcome and enjoy the food that was prepared by Alexis. Women and children first followed by the men. Everyone enjoy!” Booms Jace.

It’s amazing to watch how everyone is so capture by the way Jace presents himself. He is truly a leader and everyone looks up to him. Getting my food, I find a picnic table that had Alexis and the twins. Sitting down I help her arrange the boys food and then we are joined by Jace and Erik.

It was a fun day and I got to meet the pack which makes me feel better about being with Jace. Almost everyone made me feel welcome and treated me with respect. The only one who makes me nervous is Luke. There is something about him that I don’t trust.

It’s finally after nine when everyone leaves and we clean up. Jace and I say our good nights to Erik, Alexis, and the twins and head up stairs. Once we are in the bedroom, Jace looks at me and kisses me. I can’t take it anymore I want him. I want him to make love to me, make love to my soul.

Breaking away I look at Jace and say, “Please take me Jace, I need you, I want you. Please claim me.”

“Are you sure Danni, I don’t want to push you.” Jace whispers to me.

I know that the mating rituals of werewolves are serious, but I want to be with Jace. Being with him and his pack today makes me want to be a part of his life. For the first time in years I feel like I could actually have a family and I could be happy.

“Jace please, I want you now,” was all I could say.

With that Jace lifts me up into his arms and kisses me as he carries me to bed. He gently lays me down as he continues kissing me. Jace slowly starts kissing down my neck and I feel him softly tugging on my dress. Once it is off, all I am left in is my strapless white bra and matching underwear. Jace looks down at me with hunger in his eyes and pulls off his shirt. Pushing myself up, I start a tail of kisses leading from his chest to his lips. Once I reach his kissable lips, I start unzipping his jeans slowly earning me a groan from Jace and I smile into his lips.

Finally he is out of his jean and I am back on the bed. I can feel Jace harden against my stomach making me moan in pleasure. That was it, Jace tears off my bra and panties with a loud rip, but I don’t care I need him NOW. Jace then pushes his boxers off and hovers over me.

“This is your first time and I will be gentle. If it is too much for you, tell me to stop; I don’t want to hurt you Danni,” Jace huskily tells me.

He is holding his wolf back and all I could say, “Jace, please.”

With that Jace pushes into me, it hurts, but after a minute I adjust and I feel completed. The more he pushes the more I want. I can feel my body tremble as I get close to my release. Jace senses it and picks up his pace. At that moment we come together and I feel Jace biting into my skin right between my neck and right shoulder pushing me into a world of bliss.

“I love you Jace,” I say as we lay in each other arms.

Kissing my forehead Jace replies, “I love you too, Danni.”


Jace’s POV

Today has been the best day of my life. The Pack met Danni and pretty much everyone loves her; there are some who are a little worried, but I know that they will love her in time. Also she handled everything well today. Watching her interact with others is amazing to watch. When she talks to someone see listens and actually wants to get to know the person.

I watch Danni sleep as her head is lying on my chest. As she turns over, I see the moonstone pendant on her and my heart swells up. The necklace has been in my family for years and the last time anyone wore it was when my mom died. She would have loved Danni, so would my dad.

They both were great parents, but when mom died, dad died too. When he killed himself I had to take over while I got ready for college and had to take care of Alexis. It was hard, but everything worked out. At first I understood why he killed himself, but then it hit me that what he did was selfish. He left behind two kids who needed him, who loved him. I hate to say this, but my father was a weak minded person. I will always love him, but I do not love the decisions he made. The last year of his life, the pack went downhill. Trying to build it back up was a nightmare, but now it is one of the most powerful packs in the United States and now I have my mate by my side.

Danni let me claim her tonight and my wolf and I are ecstatic. I knew I was her first and I wanted to take it easy, but Danni pushes my buttons. I look at her shoulder and the bite mark is already gone. She is incredible; so strong, so beautiful, and so caring. I don’t think I can say that enough. 

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