Just some info fo u ma Buds

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(Y/n) (L/n)
You were a short boy that is cheerful when with people you were close with but shy to people your not. (Up to you of how many love confessions you received since middle school).
You are always seen with a smile since it's rare for you to be frowning but sometimes you can be seen emotionless when listening to sad songs.

You have (h/c) hair.
You fave color is (f/c).
Your hobbies are:
✡ Listening to music
✡ Playing video games
✡ Playing soccer
✡ Playing Volleyball
You are raised greatly (also with love) by your parents, your family is also rich, but even though your family is rich your family lives simple.

Your house is average not big, not small, not grand and not flashy. Your clothes are simple, not extravegant.

Your parents own two popular companies, a game-making company owned by your dad and a idol company by your mom. You even befriended a lot of people from your parents' companies.

Mom/(M/n)- kind, loving, funny, caring, has has natural long red hair.

Dad/(F/n)- serious-looking, strict when it comes to education, has natural silver-white hair.

You have 3 siblings
1. Older Bro: Ethan (L/n)
-Ethan is Over-protective (because of your female features and is also over-pro. to Frances and Nyao), kind, and smart. He is an idol in your mom's company. And part of (comment which male anime group I should add Ethan). He has short red hair. Twin bro of Frances. (Yes they are twins).
--He likes: Family, fans of his, his idol group, the company, nature, guitar, singing, dancing, writing music, anime, games.( Add more if ya like)
--He dislikes: anyone who talks bad about anyone from the family, anyone bullying anyone in the family, bitter food/drinks, people he thinks don't deserve Frances'/Nyao's/Your love (basically the people that confesses over and over again no matter how many times they have been rejected by the same person), rude people. (Add more if ya like)

2. Older Sis: Frances (L/n)
-Frances is great at games, great at finding solutions to problems, kind, (pretty obvious) smart, a gamer, clumsy but clever. She is an important person in the gaming company of your dad because she is the one that makes the story. She has long red hair.
--She likes: family, video games, foxes, plushies, pastries, playing video games, the company. (Add more if ya like)
--She dislikes: Bullies, being ignored, spicy food, criticism. (Add more if ya like)

3. Lil Sis: Nyao (L/n)
- Nyao is bubbly, sweet but shy when it comes to Ray (crush). She is great at art and is also part of the gaming company she helps in creating the characters she also helps Frances in the story.
--She likes: Ray (an upperclassman), food, hugs, animals being adorable, animals in general, fun, stories, family, anime. (Add more if ya like)

--She dislikes: bitter food, being out of place, food going to waste, being bored.(add more if ya like)

Your are now in Senior High and your most closest and bestest friend, Aiden, is attending the same highschool as you.

Because you were with your friend you now have someone to be your dormmate(even though you haven't seen your dorm and haven't had your first day.......yet).

Come follow Nyaoritzu if interested or read Nyaoritzu stories they are great.
And also follow DanieFox. They helped in the story and following them will help them shiiiiiine.
If you Buds want.

Credits to the one who made the cover too.
Peace out ma Buds✌

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