You blushed; snuggling into your coat before falling asleep.


You woke up to Honey Senpai poking you and Hikaru nagging you to wake up.

Only, you blushed when seeing who's shoulder you had fallen asleep on.

You fell asleep on Mori's shoulder and because he often dealt with Honey Senpai's naps he didn't seem to mind all too much.

You blushed with embarrassment before sheepishly walking out of the limousine,


Mori chirped,

"Yea?" You squeaked, cursing yourself for the crack in your voice,

"Take it easy-"

He returned, ruffling your hair.



You plopped on a bench with a sigh,

"Can we all take a break? My legs are killing me!"

You groaned.

Your breaths were short and ragged and your cheeks were bright red; not to mention you've been coughing a lot.

"(Y/n) Chan, Are you okay?-"

Honey Senpai questioned,

"I'm fine-"

You were interrupted by your own hacking and coughing,

"(Y/n) Chan!~"

Honey Senpai said with a forlorn look.

You fell to your knees coughing and hacking trying to inhale a breath of air.

You were a coughing heap and you didn't realize exactly what had happened.

You were swept off of your feet; Literally. Mori swept you into his arms.

"Mori- i-it's o-k-kay-"

You sputtered through mid coughs, a bit of dribble running down along the corner of your mouth.

"Woah- (Y/n)- you don't look too good-"

Haruhi commented,

"How about we call it quits for today, so you can take it easy-"

"No it's really fine!-"

You were interrupted by Kyoya as the dark haired male adjusted his glasses,

"We're all worried about you; Just take it easy- We'd all regret it if we had an incident like last time where you passed out-"

Kyoya commented.

You sighed and nodded your head,

"But- was it really necessary for Mori to carry me? He's even doing it bridal style~"

You chuckled.

"That's just how he shows that he cares-"

Tamaki returned.

"Or maybe he has a newfound fetish where he's obsessed with all thing me-"

You smirked; winking at the stoic male.

And, as expected, no response.

He set you down gently, and you thanked him,

"Let's get home; we have a trained nurse there that can give you medication-"

Kyoya added.

You nodded your head before the club agreed to return to Kyoya' s beach house.


"On second thought, do I really need the medication????"

You stammered,

"I think I'll be okay without it-"

You spoke.

The medicine looked disgusting!

You were sure it was bubbling too!

The medicine was a dark purple color and it was a thick substance,

"Come on, quit being a big baby-"

The nurse scolded,

"I don't need it!"

You cried, turning your face away from the nurse.

"How do you expect to get any better?!"

The nurse sighed in frustration,

"I throw the towel in! It's like trying to get an animal to talk!-"

Everything moved in a quick blur but the only thing you recalled was having the gross thick substance shoved down your throat.

You gagged,


You doubled over dramatically,

"What the!-"

"Oh quit crying, you'll thank me later-"

Haruhi replied.

"By shoving medicine down my throat?!"

You retorted,

"That's what she said-"

Hikaru chuckled; looking into the camera like he was Steve Carell on the office.

Everyone paused; and you looked the ginger up and down.

You sighed, recollecting yourself and acting as if you did not just have a mental breakdown in the middle of the floor.

"Sorry....I have to go-"

You chirped.


AN: I'm honestly making this up as I go-

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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