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Two days ago, it was Butler day.

And today it's.......Cosplay???

"Who comes up with these themes??"

"I do! Of course~"

Tamaki grinned waltzing into the room with his usual narcissistic personality,

"Thanks to my bright ideas, business is booming!~"

He grinned,

"Business always has been booming?-"

You returned,

"Nevermind that! And go put this on!~"

"What is this??"

You questioned lifting up the cloth in your arms,


The tall princely male said, making shooing hand gestures.

You groaned before leaving to go put on the outifit in the dressing room.


"Eren Jaeger?"

You questioned, staring down at your Attack on Titan uniform.

"I chose it especially for you~"

Tamaki chirped,

"Wanna know why?"


"I chose it for you because you're angry all the time!~"

Tamaki smiled, making jazz hands,

"I'm not angry! I have to maintain that "angry" persona for my role!-"

You retorted.

Tamaki only nodded as if he was only half listening before returning words of encouragement.

You rolled your eyes,


"(Y/n)! You look so cool!~"

Your table praised,

"Would you protect me from a titan?~"

The brown haired girl in front of you questioned, jutting her chest out for no reason and puckering her lips,

You grabbed her by the chin, a bit roughly, but as stated before you don't mean to come off rash; it's just how you were,

"Why should I protect you for??? Unless....."

The girl gulped, listening intently and trying to restrain her everlasting thirst,

"You have something to offer me in return?"

You sent her a mischevious smirk and her cheeks flushed a dark crimson color.

High pitch squeals attacked your eardrums once again.

I swear; I'm gonna have to tell Kyoya to invest in earplugs for the club room. I'm gonna go deaf soon-

You thought, clamping your ears with your palms.

"And I got this bracelet from-"

Your guests chirped, having a conversation amongst themselves.

Well, mostly one girl showing off her new sets of accessories,

"I'll be taking that~"

A brown haired girl with wavy locks interrupted. She plucked the jewelry from your guests' hand.

You quirked a brow, tucking your phone in your pocket.

Yes, you were on your phone rather than entertaining your guests, but they were talking about some pretty boring stuff.

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