"Stay away from the window!" One agent yelled. "We are under attack."

The red skinned man appeared in the center of the garden and the mutants warned the agents.

"FIRE, FIRE, FIRE!" One of the agents yelled. Everyone began to shoot at the stranger, but he always seemed to disappear at the right time.

The red man appeared behind one of the agents and moved his body to point the gun towards the mutants. The glass shattered, but no one was hurt.

As that was going on, a strong wind had blown a tornado towards a big, dome building. The tornado easily destroyed it.

Darwin looked towards the door and back at the commotion that was going on outside.

"Stay here my ass, let's go!"

Everyone got up and headed out the door. When they ran out into the hallway, more agents were there trying to stop whatever was trying to come in.

"Stay back!" They yelled.

The mutants tried to get past them but stopped when an explosion went off. They ran back to their room.

Once in there, the red man had stopped his killing spree and walked into the room with the mutants.

A man with dark brown hair walked inside the room. His hair almost reached his shoulders.

Abbey recognized this man all to well.

"Janos." Abbey whispered.

Janos smiled at the cornered mutants.

Outside of the room, you could hear an agent.

"They're in there man, now, just let us normal people go." A gun shot was heard.

A few seconds later, Sebastian Shaw walked into the room with a smile on his face.

"The telepath isn't here." The red man said.

"Well," Shaw started to take his red helmet off of his head, "looks like I won't be needing this then."

Abbey's heart was pounding in her chest. She didn't know what was going to happen next.

"Good evening." Shaw said as he walked towards the mutants. "My name is Sebastian Shaw. And I am not here to hurt you."

Suddenly, an agent came out into the garden and pointed a gun at Shaw.

"FREEZE!" The agent shouted.

"Azazel." Shaw said.

The red man, Azazel, disappeared and reappeared behind the agent. He used his knife to kill the agent. Then, Azazel appeared back in the room.

"My friends, there is a revolution coming," Shaw walked closer towards the mutants, "when mankind discovers who we are and what we can do, each of us will face a choice. Be enslaved," Shaw looked at each of the mutants, "or rise up to rule. Choose freely, but know if you are not with us, you are by definition, against us. So, you can stay and fight for the people who hate, and fear you, or you could join me and live like kings." Shaw's eyes landed on Angel. "And queens." Shaw held out his hand, and slowly, Angel took it.

"Angel?" Raven looked confused.

"Angel don't do this." Abbey pleaded.

" Angel," Darwin started, "Are you serious?"

"Come on," Angel motioned her head outside, "we don't belong here. And that's nothing to be ashamed of." Darwin reached for her, but she began to walk away.

"We have to do something." Raven said.

Darwin turned around and began to talk to Alex. He seemed to dislike Darwin's plan, but decided to go with it.

"Stop," Darwin began to walk out towards them, "I'm coming with you."

Shaw stepped forward with a smile on his face.

"Good choice. So, tell me about your mutation."

"Well," Darwin started as the rest of the group moved to the middle of the room, "I adapt to survive. So, I'm coming with you."

Shawn kept the smile on his lips.

"I like that." He motioned his hand to the line of his people.

"Alex!" Darwin called.

"Get out!" Alex yelled to everyone in the room.

"Do it!" Darwin yelled as he grabbed Angel and formed a hard shell body to protect themselves.

Alex formed the energy around him and threw it at Shaw. What he didn't expect was Shaw to absorb it.

"Protecting your fellow mutants, that's a noble gesture. Feels good."

Darwin moved to punch Shaw, but Shaw blocked his blow. Shaw then grabbed Darwin's jaw and brought his left hand up to Darwin's mouth.

"Adapt to this." Shaw then let all the energy he had absorbed from Alex's power, and transferred it into Darwin's body. Then, they disappeared.

Darwin swayed back and forth. His body trying to adapt to the effect.

It went from metal to burning rock.

Darwin's hand reached out towards Alex just before his body exploded.

That was the end of Darwin.

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