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"Hurry up already, will ya?" Jeremy hollered from his car, we were running late. I quickly grabbed my bag and an apple, muttering a goodbye to my parents before running out the door.

"Yo, no need to get your panties in a knot," I joke with Jer, sticking my tongue out at him as I hop into the passanger's seat. Jeremy drove an all-black Jeep, also known as my dream car. I loathed him for this very reason.

"Ah, but see, you always have that effect on me!" He smirks at me, wiggling his eyebrows to make me laugh. To my dismay, I do.

The ride to school wasn't a long one, however today it felt like one. Everyone on the streets was in a rush to get to school, cars swerved and honked as eager drivers drove recklessly. Jeremy was one of those drivers.

"Bro, slow down! You're going to get us killed!" I scream, cluthing onto my seat for dear life as he makes another sharp turn.

"Oh, come on. You KNOW I'm a fantastic driver. Just ask my mom." He shines his teeth at me, giving me his I'm-a-cute-little-boy smile as he comes to a screeching halt in front of the school. "We're here!" He announces, waving his arms up into the sky as if we had just arrived at some amazing hotel, rather than this hel- I mean school.

I punch him in the shoulder lightly, rolling my eyes at his immaturity. With a deep sigh, I sling my backpack onto my shoulder and open the car door, hopping out of the car smoothly.

"Hey, Ash!" My friend Tay yelled, running over to me with her arms wide open. Within seconds I feel her embrace, making me lose my balance and almost fall.

"Hey, chill. We just saw each other a few days ago." I mumble, not used to being hugged. To my horror she hugged me tighter, forcing me to wrap my arms around her to maintain balance.

"I knew you had it in you!" She smiles, finally letting me out of her embrace.

Jeremy walks over to us, and after receiving a bear hug from Tay, walks over to me.

"Y'all ready for hell?" He address me and Tay, snickering at the people pushing past us.

Tay and I look at each other before smiling. "Of course, we were born ready!" We cheer in sync, pretending to be elated as we walk through the gates of hell.


We depart after receiving our schedules, deciding to go to our lockers before everyone else arrived and the hallways became too packed. Glancing down at my schedule I realized that my locker was in the D-hall, also known as the least desired hall. I moaned and began to sulk. First period hadn't even started yet and I was already irritated.

On my way to my locker I passed by familiar faces, most said a simple "Hi" or "Hey" while others gave me hugs or high-fives. Sadly, as I neared the D-hall, faces became unfamiliar. Great, I thought, not only am I in the D-hall, but I also am surrounded by people I don't know. Once arriving in the D-hall however, less people were present. I began scanning the locker numbers and found out I was towards the back, away from the few people here. At least ONE good thing came out of this, I sighed, thinking to myself.

Once opening my locker, finding no noticeable problems inside of it, I began to shove things in it. Books, pens, paper, band quotes, you name it. Once looking over my masterpiece, I nodded my head, satisfied with myself.

"Hmm. Slipknot? Not too bad." An unfamiliar voice said behind me, I jumped in surprise.

I quickly turned around and looked the person up and down. Male, jet-black hair, slim-build, blue eyes, pale skin, dressed head-to-toe in a black that matched his hair. He was very attractive.

"Um...hi?" I said, puzzled as to why he was staring at me.

"Hey. Sorry, I was passing by and peeked into your locker, nice taste in music." He smiled, it was a nice smile, but something dark lingered in his eyes.

"Oh, well...thanks. My friend's don't really like my taste in music...they say its too dark.." I let my voice trail, my cheeks blush as I realize that I had no idea who this kid was.

We stood there for a second, both staring into each other's eyes. He frowns, then looks down. He put his hand in his front pocket and pulls out a phone.

"Um..this may be weird to ask but..uh..can I have your number?" He asks, dropping his eyes again as I look into them. Who was this guy?

"Uh..." I say, clearly confused by this entire conversation. "I mean, sure, I guess." I quickly say, not wanting him to think I was mean.

He hands me his phone while still looking at the ground, I quickly type my phone number in and hand it back. Our hands touch for a brief second, his hands are soft and warm, something I didn't expect from a guy like him.

"Well, I better get going to class..." I say, shifting my weight to one foot and then the other. I bite the inside of my lip, realizing how awkward we both looked.

"Uh, yeah. Sure." He grimaces at his voice, sounding higher pitched than normal.

I turn on my heels, shut my locker, and begin walking to my first period class, AP Physics. Just as I am about to turn out of the D-hall, a familiar voice shouts, "Wait!" I stop and look back.

"What's your name?" The boy shouts, franticly waving his arms in the air to gain my attention.

I cup my hands around my mouth and shout, "Ash" back at him. I smile as I begin to walk again, maybe today wouldn't be so bad afterall.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2014 ⏰

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