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I pick Belle up effortlessly, spinning her around happily.

She looks so damn cute in her graduation gown.

So small.

Mines makes me look fat.

And my cap can't fit over my head.

We walked across the stage no less than 30 minutes and I don't think I've ever been more proud of myself.

I did it.

I graduated high school.

And not just with my brother but with my friends too.

Belle giggles happily in my arms, squeezing her arms around my neck tightly.

I hear a camera click and I look up with a grin.

Mrs. Fletcher is holding a camera up.

"I'm definitely sending this to your mother, honey. It's too bad she couldn't make it."
She smiles sadly.

I smile back, trying not o let it get to me.

Maman called yesterday and delivered the bad news.

I think Larry is still bummed out about it but he's hiding it just like me.

At least we have someone here for us.

The Fletchers.

Little Emily and Adam even made us all a banner.

I saw it perfectly when I was grabbing my diploma.

It was a nice moment.

The brief moment when all the attention was on me.

My big moment.

I'll remember it forever.

I set Belle down carefully, fixing her cap.

Her people aren't here either.

She hasn't said anything about it.

I think she already knew that her parents weren't coming.

I distantly remember hearing something about her and her siblings going to visit them sometime over the summer.

"You look absolutely stunning, girl. All the guys were drooling over you when you walked across the stage, you should have seen the look on Laurent's face."
Bree blabs, walking up with her equally happy boyfriend.

Everybody laughs.

I glare just thinking about it.

I think I heard a few catcalls.

I do not like catcalls.

"Aww. Baby."
She teases, squeezing my cheeks.

I swat her hands away, bending down to set my cap on little Adam's head.

He gasps happily, skipping around his sister.

"I do not think it is funny. I got mad and cupcake isnt even my girl."
Larry expresses his annoyance as well, walking up to pat my shoulder.

I smile greatfully at him.

I love this dude.

Everybody rolls their eyes.

"C'est incroyable, non? Je suis tellement heureux. Nous avons tous grandi maintenant!"
Larry tells me, wiping away tears from the corners of his eyes.

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