After we finish eating, Alexis offers to clean, which I was happy to accept. While she did that, Erik and I walk to the back porch and continue to talk. I could tell that he was wondering why I moved out here by myself and I made it look like that I love to travel and buy houses to fix them up and sell them for profit. I guess he believes me as he changes the subject.

“Next Saturday afternoon we are having a barbecue and we would really love to have you.” Erik says and I’m a little shocked since we just met and it makes me nervous, because I don’t want to get too attached to this place. I never know when I have to pack up and leave.

At the moment Alexis joined us, “Please come, we would really love to have you there,” she adds with the world’s sweetest smile.

For some reason I could not say no to her as I reply, “I can’t say no to that face, should I bring anything?”

Alexis quickly hugs me again and I could tell I made her day. An hour later, once again I'm on the front porch waving goodbye to them both, grinning from ear to ear.

               Erik’s POV

As I was driving back from Danni’s house, I could tell that there was something different about her. She felt powerful, but I know she's not a werewolf and she had this vibe about her that made you feel safe and you could tell her anything. Not only is she beautiful, but she can cook and she truly has a wonderful soul. However there was times when you would look into her eyes and could tell that she has seen some horrible things, but as soon as you would see them they were gone.

I look over to soul mate; I could tell she was happy that Danni was coming over next Saturday. I truly never get tired of looking at her. When pulling up to the pack house, the twins ran out to greet us and I could feel my heart bursting with joy. At the door I see Jace looking at his sister and the boys and I could tell he wants what I have and I couldn’t blame him. I love my family and I loved my life.

Hopefully the great Alpha of our pack will find his mate and truly feel complete.

                Danni’s POV

It was around noon and I was walking around the small town. So far I have gotten everything on my list and was enjoying a salad I got at the local deli. It’s late September and it’s the perfect weather; not too hot, not too cold.

As I sat on a park bench I notice a group of guys that kept on looking at me and I instantly felt nervous. I don't like the looks they were giving me and they gave off a bad vibe as nobody around was going near them. I decided it was time to go and sadly they caught up to me.

You could tell they were the hickey type with their cowboy boots and beat up baseball caps. One guy who was clearly the leader blocked my path and the other circled around. He was just a little under six feet tall and black hair and brown eyes, he looked to be in his thirties and would have been nice looking if he shaved his face and actually showered. Silently I prayed that I wouldn’t have to kick their asses; I really wasn’t in the mood.

 “So you’re the new girl that moved into the old farm house,” he asks in a raspy voice that has been damaged from too much alcohol.

I look him over and decided that I could so take him if he attacks so I ask, “Yep I moved in yesterday, what can I help you with, if you don’t mind me asking?”

Him and his groupies of stupid idiots start laughing like I was Jerry Seinfeld telling the world’s funniest joke. I rolled my eyes and went to walk around him when he quickly grabs my arm and turns me around to face him. If looks could kill was the first thing I thought as he stares me down with the evil eye. Good thing I am the master of that stare as I return the look.

“The reason I’m asking is because your closest neighbors are werewolves,” he whisper shouts.

I have only heard about werewolves so I really don’t know what they are like and my closest neighbors are Alexis and her family. I quickly mask my face and I start laughing. They look at me like I was the crazy one.

“Sure they are and the Loch Ness monster lives in the lake behind my house and Bigfoot lives under my porch while Tinker Bell parties her ass off in the rose bushes. If you don’t mind I have better things to do than waste my time with people with no life and likes to scare others. I have met some of my neighbors and they are the nicest people ever. Why don't you and your followers grow up and get a life and leave others alone when clearly you are the fucked up one,” I shout before I walk away like I didn’t care, but deep down I was terrified. I could hear the crowd applauding in the park.

 “You should respect me little girl, I can make your life a living hell!!!” he screams and that makes me stop.

Turning around and giving him the evilest eye, I say, "You don't want to mess with me you dipstick. I may be little and I may be young, but I can defend myself quite fine. You should be afraid of me, because I can make your life a living hell, but I rather not. As my great aunt Betty Sue once said, you think you're hot snot on a silver platter, but you're really cold boogers on a paper plate!"

I mentally laughed at my insult. I’ve been to hell and back and he really does not want me to use my mad skills on his stupid ass. As I walk away everyone who was in the park claps for me, but I didn't do it for myself, I did it for Alexis, Erik, and the twins. I don't know if they are werewolves, but they were nice to me. The only thing I could do now was walk away and hope that those pieces of trash don’t hurt anyone; including me.

                Jace’s POV

I was in my office thinking about what Erik said about Danni and he is a great judge on character. The more I hear about her the more I want to meet her. Before I went for a run earlier, I ran past her house to see if I could see her, but she wasn’t there. Alex said she was going into town to shop; maybe I’ll try again later.

As I am thinking more about Danni, Billy runs in clearly out of breath. Billy is a pack runner, meaning that he goes around and sees if he can hear any rumors in town. Mostly I want Billy to spy on Randall and his goons because for years he has claimed that we are werewolves; which is true, but the humans don’t need to know that. Randall is what we call a Hunter, but he really isn’t that every good at it. Mostly he drinks whiskey and bullies people in town.

“I was in town when Randall and his buddies’ approaches the new girl that Alexis loves and he ranted about us being werewolves,” rushes out Billy and I get tense.

 I look at him closely as I ask, “How did she handle it?”

“Well they had her surrounded and I was about to go over with Brent and Andy when she starts telling them off and goes on how the Loch Ness monster lives in her lake and Bigfoot lives under her porch and Tinker Bell parties in bushes. She even told Randall he was the fucked up one. Then she walked away with her head held high, but not in a prissy way and that pissed Randall off and he threatened her. But she then told him off again and threatens him back. After that she walked away and never looked back and everyone applauded for her. It was amazing to watch Alpha, but when she walked past me I could feel this energy coming off her and it was powerful.” Billy answers puzzled.

 I was in a trance as Billy told the story, both Erik and Alexis were in the doorway listening. In both their eyes there was respect and gratitude, because we all know that she was standing up for them. My heart was bursting with pride, but I feared that Randall would do something to get even.

Jumping up I say, “Increase guard duty in the territory, especially around Danni’s home and make sure no one harms her.”

 Erik nods his head and leaves to tell the others.

Alexis looks at me and kisses me on the cheek, “Thank you,” she says and simply leaves me alone to continue to think about Danni.

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