I cant believe you got me wet

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" Why didn't you jump down?"

Fuck I had to think of something quick.

" Did you actually think I was serious?"

He nodded, " So you are a punk?"

I looked around and thought of a genius plan.

I smirked," Nope I'm smart. Wait look who left all their clothes up here."

He looked shocked but then came to his senses that he wasn't getting his clothes back.

" Lilyanna don't you dare!"

I grabbed his clothes and went back to the edge, " See you on the other side Badboy."

I wasn't actually going anywhere but it would take him sometime to get up here. I texted my mom letting her know I was fine and I should be back in a hour.

" Lilyanna! Your ass better be here."

I ran behind a tree. I saw him soaked with only his underwear on.

" Where the hell is this girl?!"

I wanted to laugh but I had to keep it in.

" Lilyanna your going to pay for this!"

I decided it was enough and it was time to give him his clothes , but I definitely don't mind the view.

I came from behind the tree, " Hey Moore."

He turned around like he was the Flash.

" Lilyanna give me my clothes."

I shook my head, " You didn't say please."

He pulled his hair and sighed, " Lilyanna can I please have my clothes back.

I tapped my chin like Cole does, " Nope."

He shook his head, " Okay you asked for it."

I was confused, " Huh?"

Then I saw him coming towards me on full speed, oh fudge nuggets!

I started running to where you ask, I don't know!

It's only so little where you can go up here, I saw two big rocks and I stood on one.

" Okay Hunter , I will give you them."

He stopped he was literally 4 steps away from me.

" Nope I'm good."

Well sad to say he used his steps and wrapped his arms around me.

" Get off of me you wet troll!"

He picked me up like I was a baby , Umm okay.

" It could of been easy if you just gave me my clothes."

He started walking.

" Where are you taking me?!"

" It's a surprise."

I started slapping his back but he didn't give up.

" Hunter I swear if you throw me I'm going to slit your neck."

" Oooh I like a feisty girl."

" Mhm too bad they don't like you back."

He slapped my butt, " You fudging cow!"

He put me down but kept his grip on me, " We are here, any last words?"

" I hate you so much and if I die I will haunt you."

He laughed, " Good choice of words princess."

Next thing I know I'm flying like a bird more like a bird who has no wings.


I floated back up and was gasping for the air that I had left.

" Hunter!"

He rose up, " See princess that wasn't so bad."

" I still don't like you."

He put his hand to his chest, " You just broke my heart."

" Well you can get over it now get me out of here."

" Okay let's go."

" I can't believe you got me wet."

He chuckled, " Ha that's what she said."

I slapped his chest, " Did I mention that I don't like you."

" Yea quite a few times actually."


After we got dressed he drove me back to my house.

I hopped off his bike and began walking towards the house.

" No bye?"

I turned around, " Goodbye Hunter I had a nice time until I smelled like salt."

He laughed, " Just admit you loved spending time with the " Bad boy".

I rolled my eyes, " Yes I am so happy that the Bad boy himself spent the day with me."

He smirked, " I knew it."

I chuckled, " Whatever Moore."

He started the engine to his bike, " See you later princess."


So that's another chapter!

I like this relationship coming together
What about you guys?

But the drama awaits!

Ha hahaaaaa 😭

Vote or don't byee ❤️❤️

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