Chapter 12:The God

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3rd Pov

After that confession was done,Ash checked who he was battling which he was battling against someone by the name of Adam Reus whivh he thinks it's a easy win

Ash then walk to the battlefield and spotted the person

The person was taller then him,white hair,red eyes and pale skin,he wears two golden bracelet on his arm and a golden necklace with a Arceus symbol on it,he wears what looks like Arceus which confused Ash

Adam - "Why hello there Chosen One?"Ash eyes widen in surprised

Ash - "Who are you and how did you know me?"Adam chuckle which Ash got even confused

Adam - "Don't you recognise me Chosen One?This might make you know who I am"He said as Adam began to glow white and began trasform which everyone have to cover their eyes

Once the glow was gone,There stood on longer Adam but rather the Alpha Pokemon,Arceus

Ash - "OH YOU GOT TO BE KIDDIN ME!"Arceus chuckle at Ash's reaction

Arceus - "Surprising isn't Chosen One,Now I'll be battling against you along"Ash nodded but he imagine himself how badly he will lose consider he was battling against a God

(Lazy to write Reefer duh)

Ash - "Lugia,Battle Time!"Ash send out his Lugia which she appears and look at Arceus shocked

Lugia - "Don't tell me we're going against Arceus..."Ash nodded which Lugia gulp nervously

Ash had telepathy his other Pokemon which they were nervous as Ash order Lugia to fired Aeroblast which Arceus counter it with Ice Plate Judgement and fired Stone Plate Judgement at Lugia,She roar in pain as Ash tell her to used Hydro Pump but was taken down as Arceus fired Electric Plate Judgement

Ash return her and send out Mewtwo as Mewtwo didn't take order as he unleash a barrage of Phystrike only for Arceus to used Protect,Mewtow mega evolve into Mega Mewtwo Y as he fired Ice Beam and Arceus fired Fire Plate Judgement which the two clash and Arceus finish Mewtwo with a Dark Plate Judgement

Ash send out Dialga,Ash command him to used Toxic but Arceus used Refresh which is a waste as Dialogs fired Roar of Time and Arceus fired Dragon Plate Judgement,Arceus hen used Focus Blast which Dialogs roar in pain and collapse,He got up but was finished as Arceus fired Earth Plate Judgement

Giratina was send out as he began firing Dragon Pulse,Shadow Ball and Thunderbolt at Arceus who is dodging them as he got in close on Giratina and fired Ice Plate Judgement which Giratina was still conscious and used Shadow Force,it hit Arceus but was later realised that Arceus planned this all along as he fired a point blank Dragon Plate Judgement which fainted Giratina

Rayquaza was next as he immediately Mega Evolve into Mega Rayquaza and used Dragon Ascent which also hit Arceus but later dodge the Rock Plate Judgement then he fired Dragon Pulse at Arceus who counter it with Dragon Plate Judgement,Arceus then used Teleport to get in close to Rayquaza as he fired a full half power Ice Plate Judgement which fainted Rayquaza and was revert back to his original form

Ash return him and praise the others as he look at the Pokeball in his hand

Ash - "You're all that left now,I'm counting on you,CHARIZARD!"Ash send out his Charizard Who immediately send out a roar and mega evolve into Mega Charizard X

Arceus covered itself in draconic energy as he charge at Charizard with blindly speed which Charizard block it with his own Dragon Rush,Eventually Arceus's Dragon Rush overpowered Charizard's Dragon Rush and was send flying to the wall

Charizard was now bruised as he used Sword Dance and his claws glow light green as it grew longer and charge at Arceus who got hit by the Dragon Claw,He grunt in slight little pain as he fired Ice Plate Judgement at Charizard as he scream in agony and pain and was crash down to the ground,Charizars was now lying there breathing

Ash - "C'mon Charizard!We forgot about our thrump card!"Charizard eyes widen as he grin remembering the thrump card as Arceus began charging Giga Impact,Zen Headbutt and X-Scissor full strength

Everyone - "5!"

Ash close his eyes

Everyone - "4!"

Ash open them and look determined

Everyone - "3!"

Ash pump his fist tightly

Everyone - "2!"

Ash and Charizard were now in sync

Everyone - "1!"

Ash - "Charizard used Infinity Storm Dragon Demon's Wrath!!!!"

Infinity Storm Dragon Demon's Wrath

The user is covered in red,blue,black,orange,purple and grey forming a large Dragon head around the user and hit the opponent with a strong force

PP - 1

Accuracy - Can't be dodge

Power - 9462(IT'Z OVAH NINE THOUSANDS!!!Dang,That is too much )

(Couldn't figure out any names so I have to went with it)

Charizard was surrounded in red,blue,black,orange,purple and grey forming a large Dragon head around him as both of them clash

This created massive strong shockwave and everyone have to cover their eyes,both of them were now struggling to overpowered each other as Ash and Charizard roar loudly and Arceus was nearly knock back but used his full power to defeat Charizard which he hit Charizard thus sending outs ton of dust flying everywhere and shockwave became stronger

Once the dust was off,Charizard was in the ground unconscious which Ash fell to his knees

Ash - "No..."He said

Reefer - "Charizard is unab-"The he was interrupted by a loud roar

Charizard - "NO!I-I REFUSE TO GIVE UP!!"Charizard shouted as he successfully got up until

Arceus - "Enough..."People were shocked by this

Arceus - "I have witnessed Charizard's power,it's power is so incredible that it even can rival against me..."Arceus said before smile at Charizard

Arceus - "Congratulations Ash,You have won against a God"Arceus cheer as he return to the Hall of Origin and everyone began cheering loudly

Ash walk out of the Tournament tiredly as he lay his eyes on the absolute terrified and scared Traitors and he smirk

Ash - "Time to put you Traitors down..."

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