Chapter:The End

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3rd Pov

After that Arceus battle,Ash is now battling against Cynthia which he was can take on the Champion's and he was used his Mega X Charizard against Cynthia's Mega Charizard

Charizard was still tired after that battle against Arceus same as when he used his trump card,but he still never give up

Cynthia - "Garchomp used Dragon Rage!"Garchomp open her mouth as a powerful blast of blue energy form and fired at Charizard who got hit by the super effective move and he grunt in pain

Ash - "Charizard used Dragon Claw!"Charizard hands surrounded in light green claws shape energy as he rush at Garchomp

Cynthia - "Stop him with Brick Break!"Garchomp fins glow white as both Dragon Claw and Brink Break collied and Ash smirk

Ash - "Now finish this up with Seismic Toss!"Charizard grab Garchomp and took off into the skies and began circling around and he was covered in blue flames

Cynthia - "Oh no!Quick used Crunch!"Garchomp fangs glow white as she bites Charizard hard and Charizard roar in pain

Ash - "Now!"Charizard send out a powerful roar as he dives down and once he was close to the ground,He slam Garchomp to the ground creating massive shockwave that everyone have to covered their eyes

Once the dust was clear,Charizard was on his knees panting while Garchomp revert back to her normal form and with swirls on her eyes

Referee - "G-Garchomp is unable to battle! Charizard wins which Ash Shirona is the winner of the Tournament!"

Everyone were silence until they erupted into cheers,Ash collapse to his knees and smile,he finally accomplish his dream to becoming Pokemon Master,Cynthia walk tot his and pull him up and once he got up,he was interrupted by a kiss from Cynthia which everyone cheer harder even the fan girls start shipping them so bad that they named Rayshipping

Cynthia - "You did well,Ash.Congratulations for being the Pokemon Master"Ash smile as he kiss Cynthia which she return and cheers got harder that down people blush at the scene

Once he was done,He heal his Pokemon for their hard work same with Cynthia and he walk to the stage and grab the trophy from Goodshow and everyone cheer until a group of people came to the field with a furious face and Ash sigh knowing who it was

Trip - "Serperior used Leaf Strom on Ash!"

Misty - "Gyarados used Hyper Beam!"

May - "Blaziken used Overheat!"

Clemont - "Luxray used Thunder!"

Brock - "Steelix used Stone Edge!"

Tracey - "Scizor used Hyper Beam!"

Dawn - "Piplup used Hydro Pump!"

Max - "Gallade used Psycho Cut!"

Serena - "Braixen used Fire Blast!"

Cilen - "Pansage used Bullet Seed!"

Iris - "Dragonite used Flamethrower!"

Bonnie - "Dedenne used Thunderbolt!"

Delia - "Mimie used Psybeam!"

They send out the powerful beam at Ash and the others which everyone began panic,but luckily Ash's Charizard is still out

(Anyone who read The Boy You Knew Has Changed,Here's url wish"

Ash - "Charizard used Mega Punch!"Insert the One Punch Man theme

Charizard look at the beam and look at his right fist then...

Charizard - "....ONE PUNCH!!!!"Charizard punch the beam

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