the sister from Titan tower

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"what do you mean?" asked Beatrix

"I mean like I am the god of all gods and you are the titans leader we could become the most powerful people ever" I said

"I will give it a think, I won't make rash decisions yet dear sister I mean what could possibly go wrong?" she asked

"its a risk but we have to take it" I said

"fine" said beatrix

"meet me at roni's bar at midnight". I said

"you want me to meet you at our mothers bar?" said Beatrix

"she won't be there and we can catch up along with a few drinks how about that?" I said

"deal I will see you there" said Beatrix vanishing into thin air.

I decided it was time to head back to my family so I headed back to the bar where everyone was staying, to be honest I did not think that trixi was my twin.

I decided it was time to head back to my family so I headed back to the bar where everyone was staying, to be honest I did not think that trixi was my twin

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I mean look at her and then look at me i don't see the resemblance.

Ok so maybe I see it a bit with the shape of our faces and our eyes but that is it, I don't see us as twins, maybe we are not identical twins just normal twins that seems more believable

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Ok so maybe I see it a bit with the shape of our faces and our eyes but that is it, I don't see us as twins, maybe we are not identical twins just normal twins that seems more believable. So as I was walking down the street I happened to bump into mr gold.

"ahh Gold how good it is to see your face again" I said

"ahh Astrid how good to see the only person who can destroy me" said Gold

"can you see anything about my future?" I asked

"no all I can see is red like nothing else it is almost like hell but not if you know what I mean" said Gold

"I know exactly what your talking about Fuck how am I going to get out of this problem now" I said

"what place am I talking about Astrid?" he asked

" your talking about a place called titan tower it is where my sister operates from meaning she kills who ever she wants there" I said

"you have a sister?" asked Gold

"yes long story I will tell you another time" I said racing off towards the bar I know who I am destined to fight it isn't Astrid, or anyone in my family that I knew about it is Beatrix she was posing as Astrid in my vision and now I know her I see my vision clearly it is her that kills me.

I walked into the bar with a long face looking some what sad in a way, the first thing I saw was my mother heavily drinking and Zelena trying to stop her but it wasn't working. I walked across  to my mother who was crying and drinking at the same time.

"look I am sorry for the way I reacted it was just bit weird me finding out another thing about my life and I handled the wrong way for sure so for me can you please stop drinking" I said but then I felt the hairs on the back of my next stand on end again Beatrix is here.

"Ahh sis why wait outside when you can come in here and come front me, I know you have been following me" I said

"you know I should have just walked right beside you that would have been better wouldn't of it?" said Beatrix walking through the door

I downed the rest of the bottle of whisky my mother had beside her and turned around.

"why are you here?" I asked

"can I not meet my family" said Beatrix

"I dont know can you? I mean you have known me all your life and now you tell me your my twin how convenient huh? now you have the god killer right?" I said

"wait is that Trixi?" asked Emma

"Sure is hun how ya doing" said Beatrix

"you know her?" asked my mother

"yes I do she was Astrids best friend for years until she moved away" said Emma

"Beatrix I swear down if you dont go I will physically kill you" I said

"aww you will kill your own loving sister huh how about I just take your twins then" said Beatrix

"will you hell" I said getting angry

as I was just about to lift my babies up she had transported them into her arms.

"give me them back I swear down you bitch I will kill you" I said

"nah I think I am going to keep them they are rather sweet" said Beatrix

"please have a heart and give them back to me you already took my daughter from me please give them back" I said

"yes I did kill Alexis but that was because who would want to have a mother like you I was only saving her the pain she would go through meeting you and having you in her life, I mean look at me you put me in a hospital for two months." said Beatrix

"I never meant to do that you know that I had no control then I didn't even know what was happening to me I thought I was mentally ill because I thought I could do unimaginable stuff" I said

"and that is your justification for putting me in hospital, even Emma thought you were crazy after that so you are not a fit mother for looking after these sweet innocent little babies" said Beatrix

"please I have changed I honestly didn't mean to hurt you I just want my babies back please thats all I am asking for" I said

"no" said Beatrix vanishing into thin air with my twins

"YOU BITCH I AM GOING TO KILL YOU FOR THE SECOND TIME" I shouted and yelled in tears after she took my babies away, I fell to the ground in tatters I am broken on the inside

"Astrid you can't let her get to you again" said Emma

"Emma  she can't get away with this she took my kids" I said

"yes but remember last time" said Emma

"yes and this time I am going to finish the job" I said

"Astrid what happened" said my mother

"Astrid Hurt Beatrix so bad she was in intensive care for months and had to rehibilitated for 6 months to a year after." said Emma

"what do you mean by hurt?" asked Artemis

"she  beat her to the brink of death and broke most of her bones in her body" said Emma

"Emma why did you tell them, you know I am ashamed of what I did" I said looking down

"is this true and if it is why did you do that" said Artemis

"Emma thinks it was because she was saying some horrible things about her and I got angry it wasn't it was because she told me she was my sister, she said that she was going to kill me and that I will be dead before I even get to know our mother, she lunged at me with a knife a really big one and she stabbed me, so I beat the living daylights out of her and then at the end I had her pinned and I could feel m--m-my magic brewing inside me and I took out her heart when I realised what I had done I quickly placed it back in and called an ambulance and made a run for it" I said

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