~Friend or Foe?~

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For the first time I was scared out of my mind. I knew what was going to happen once I let go of Sonic's hand but I never imagined it to be like this. It had been 2 weeks since I let myself fall from the cliff and I had passes out for a while now. I wondered if I was actually going to die like this. Drifting through the ocean with no food, no water... nothing. I was on my own now whether I liked it or not.

I have been knocked out since the first week out on sea. So, I had no idea as to where I was headed. All I knew was if I died, I would be ready. I know it may sound weird but it was for the best. Not that I was suicidal or anything but my time had come for me to leave this world. The one I loved never loved me back. I kinda felt guilty for leaving the people I loved behind but it was for the best. I couldn't risk Sonic falling and possibly drowning because of me. It was my mess and I had to set things right.

I kept on floating, my body taking most of the impact from the crashes of the waves. I was drifting on a piece of wood that was stuck on the ocean floor. Hoping for the worst to be over. Everything was pitch black. I couldn't think straight or open my eyes. I was so tired. My pretty red dress was now ripped in half, exposing my stomach. I had lost my shoes in the first few hours. They were dragging me down so I took them off, and to make matters worse I lost my headband. My quills were tangles and my face was pale. Somehow though, I washed up the shore on an island. The warm sand held me close as the waves hit my feet. But something felt... off. I was being pulled from where I was. I opened my crusty eyes to see a blurry figure. It was... an ape? And beside that ape there were 3 more people. But they were different. Not apes, but more of a... hawk maybe? The other 2 I couldn't figure out. One looked like Nicole and the other had a long tongue sticking out of it. I was pretty sure I was hallucinating, and then everything went pitch black.

I woke up the sound of people arguing. It was a male and female voice. They sounded so... demanding and fierce. Like they loved and hated each other...

"Fine, but don't expect me to get your sorry ass out of this!" The female voice said.

"Go ahead babe, I could handle this and you know it. Now, get outta here and do your job!" The male voice shouted.

Babe? They sounded so familiar. I tried to move my arms but they were tied behind a chair. I looked down and so were my feet. I was hungry, thirsty, and I needed a doctor. I was lacking energy and felt myself becoming weaker by the second. The male figure must have seen me struggling because once he did I felt him come closer to me. I couldn't tell who it was though. It was so dark in the room and I could barely make out a figure as to what he was. I felt a sharp pain as he grabbed my cheeks, squishing them together so that I wouldn't be able to talk.

"Well, well, well... looks who's finally waking up." He said, cracking a smile. Not a nice smile but an evil one.

I just kept on staring at him. His icy blue eyes had nothing but hatred and evil in them. I gazed at him, keeping my guard up.

"Aw, what's wrong Pinky? Hedgehog caught your tongue?" He smirked, laughed, and sat down on my knees like a little kid would do when Santa asks them what they want for Christmas. I felt pain go up my legs. They had been so sore from being out there in the ocean. My eyes were now shining. I wanted to cry, the pain hurt me so much, but I had to stand tall and brave. I wouldn't let this sicko take control of me. At least I knew what he was now. A hedgehog.

"So, Pinky?" He released my cheeks and looked at me straight into my eyes. Pinky. Ugh, how I hated it when people called me that. He smirked at me, his glasses resting on his nose. "Where's your savior? Your hero?" He asked me, revealing his sharp teeth.

Hero? Savior? What was he talking about? I caught him starring at my stomach. Before I could yell at him for looking, his crew came busting through the door, shining some light through the room.

"You called boss?" The Nicole look alike said.

Boss? What was this a gang of some sort? I turned to see the hedgehog that sat on my legs. He got up, walking into the light. He turned to me and gave me the wickedest grin ever. "So, what do ya think of me now, baby?"

He was a tall hedgehog. Same height as Sonic, but green. He wore a crown on his head and had red glasses. He wore a black leather jacket and his stomach had 2 big scars. I now knew who my so-called "rescuer" was.

It was none other than Sonic's anti. Evil Sonic. 

Call him what you want but there's only one name that fitted the description:

Last name: Hedgehog

First name: Scourge.

*IvyyNotes: Wooo~ Another chapter! This chapter was so much fun to make since my baby comes out on it uvu ahaha. Anyways, I hope ya guys like it! And thanks for the comments, votes, and follows <3~//

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