chapter 23

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Its been about three weeks since Ive come home from with Trey. I leave in three more weeks but the thing im most excited about is my baby shower is coming up. Ill be six and a half months when its time to move with Trey so they want to get the baby shower done kind of early. Today Im gonna spend a little quality time with my mom and grandma before I leave lord knows I'm gonna miss them so much. Im so heated about his move. I mean come on now everybody knows how much I love my job. but Trey said he would help me build a luxury bed and breakfast that caters to the stars. so Im excited about that.

at lunch...

Mom* Honey Im just gonna say this once I know its too late for now but Ive always thought that you would do things differently.

grandma* laura hush thats not your decision to choose in which order she should do things.

mom* mom im just saying I always thought she would get married first. before having children first and by a man she barely even knows.

me* your right mom but guess what I did it with jason I stayed with that man forever almost married him and guess what he went and had a baby on me so with that being said you can be with a person a thousand years and still not know anything about them.

grandma* well honey do you love him

me* yes grams I can honestly say that I do.

grandma* well I can definitely see that he loves you so you follow your heart and never let anyone choose whats best for you in your life. the only person that knows whats best for you is you child and you never forget that.

*babyshower/ going away party

we decided to have the baby shower and going away party together.

I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to make sure that everything for this party was ok. funny thing is I keep getting cursed out because im not the one throwing the party tomorrow. The girls was giving me hell lol and I was graciously

returning the favor.

Back at my house I was freaking out im so huge now that nothing fits me and I was having the worst time trying to find something to wear. I walked into my closet to pull out the bag of recent purchases I have made for this day and I was having a hard time choosing between the three. I sat on the chase lounge inside frustrated and starts to cry just then Trey walks in


babe... where you at?? I sniffle a little but don't answer I just sit there with my tears..babe... are you crying where are you?? sniffles... I'm in here. Trey walks into the closet to see me with tears running down my face. Baby whats wrong why are you crying?!? Sighs... Because im fat this party is tomorrow nothing fits me right everything is a disaster. my feet are swollen and I can't fit my shoes I don't even want to have this stupid party listen to me you are not fat you are carrying my three little babies you look more beautiful than ever babe. I thought we already got your outfit out of the way. what happened

I don't like any of those things they make me look like a warehouse... Trey laughs a little...Trey dont you dare laugh there is nothing funny about this situation... Ok..Ok.. Don't worry about it babe just go lay down im gonna work everything out for you I promise you will feel just as beautiful as you are tomorrow.. just let me take care of it and you rest I cant have you stressed out about this..

I just layed down and closed my eyes for a minute or so I thought when I woke up Trey was sitting next to me kissing my stomach telling me to get up. for dinner. Trey had out done himself for dinner if I eat all of this I know im gonna be in a coma tomorrow cause im not gonna want to get up. Our dinner menu consisted of five cheese beef and chicken lasagna with garlic bread and a spinach salad with all the trimmings. and for desert we had apple pie topped with butter pecan ice cream and hot caramel and whipped cream. my toes were curling to say the least. after eating and Taking a warm shower I was much more relaxed. l can't wait til this pregnancy is over so these mood swings could go the hell away. I can honestly say that Trey was taking this way better than I thought he would I mean these babies had me with three different personalities. one minute I was happy then crying then I was cursing him out for looking at me. but Altogether my baby has been a great support system. you can say he was more ready for these babies than I were.

The next day Trey came through as promised. after we came back from breakfast. he had a whole glam squad set up for me. after my makeup was done simple yet beautiful the hair dresser took my extra long hair and added brown and blonde thick highlights then curled it super tight and pinned it all to one side of my head.

my outfit was beautiful I couldnt believe Trey could pull it off in oneday. my outfit was a navy blue long sleeved maternity bodysuit with crystal stones around the neck with a long floor length sweater with a mini train on the back that clasped together right below my breast and opened where the stomach was to complete the outfit I had on what I would like to call my cinderella slippers they were fully rhinestoned babydoll flats. I felt like a princess and I was extremely happy with his choice.

Trey and I were both matching with our navy blue cream and grey on.

when we arrived to the venue I was really nervous. I mean not only were my friends and family here but all of Treys friends and family were present as well there were some big stars in here and I was in awe. you would think I would be over the star struck thing with actually having a baby with one but oh god no.

the party was beautiful the theme was Diapers and Diamonds and to say that my friends had out done theirselves was an understatement. god only knows what they could do with a wedding.

I was walking around mixing and mingling with the guest and I just happened to notice this woman sitting in the middle of the room she was staring at me intensely. I didn't know her so I made a mental note to ask Trey who she was...

Unknown Womans Pov

Look at this little bitch, I bet she thinks she got it all right now but oh no all of this will soon come to a end. I mean really look at her holding his hand laying her head on his shoulder. I mean really the bitch is huge pregnacy is not a good look on her. when my cousin called to tell me about the little slut at first. I thought no harm done she was just a phase right then, he would do like he did the others break her heart and then on to the next and I would still have my chance. but all that changed when she said the little bitch was pregnant. but Im not worried the plan has just changed im gonna make that bitch run away with her three little bastards in tow. Im gonna have to ask him what the fuck he was thinking with this one...

The party was coming slowly to a end and I was happy cause I was tired. we were sitting at the table opening our gifts and taking pictures when I noticed the same woman from earlier staring at us I had seen Trey give her a hug and talk to her for a moment so of course he knew who she was.

I leaned over to whisper in Treys ear never breaking eye contact with this woman something rubs me wrong about her and I havent even spoken to her one time tonight. (whispering) Babe who is that woman over in that middle table. What woman??.. The one over the with the pink sweater on.. Umm that is janice her And I used to date a few years ago. and you didn't think it would be important to tell me this why... Trey continues to smile for the camera. . Baby can we just talk about this later tonight..

Yeah and don't think Im gonna forget either..


umhmm my ass..

Mahiya pov

I couldn't understand why she was here I mean who invited her. because if Trey invited her then he should have damn well warned me that he was gonna do so... I put on a fake smile for the rest of the night. I was overly exhausted and ready to laydown I had just three more days to get everything situated before it was time to move I just wanted this to be done already.

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