..Chapter 6

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we walked to my room and I stood at the door with him.

so can I ask you a question he asked. you just did I replied laughing. your so corny he says. Oh well excuse me mr stand up at the Apollo. I told him. he gave me this look and start laughing. I had to look away I mean who was I kidding this man was gorgeous. teeth was commercial white and he smelled so good. check me out average girl from the D.

standing here with this man I don't stand a chance I wonder what he really wants. No but seriously he says. I look at him giving him the go ahead. Where did the name cakes come from..he asked

I just shook my head. What!! he says. nothing its not any spectacular reason or anything. really it kind of childish.

I said. Oh now I really gotta know he says. well if you must know oneday when we were in high school we were all chilling in the lunchroom  mind you I was a freshman. I walked past the varsity team and one of the players hollered out "Look at the cakes on her" my friends thought is was sooo funny and started calling me Cakes so did everyone else.

Trey rubs his chin with a little grin on his face. well the name certainly fits he says and then he broke out in laughter. I couldn't believe him.. he stops laughing and just smiles. but no seriously are you gonna let me take you to breakfast or nah. cause this is probably the last time you will let me see you, and im not trying to let my time with you end here.. he says.. Only on one condition I tell him. and what that he asks.

That you let me change my clothes into something more comfortable I mean its 5 in the morning I have on club clothes and you want me to go to breakfast in 4 1/2 in heels nope not gonna happen. Bet he agrees.

Hold On ( A Trey Songz Love Story) ON HOLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora