2: "Do you guys know each other?"

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Ali opened her closet door, grabbed the first outfit that she saw and put it on. The shirt that she had chosen was form fitting and showed off her smooth stomach and the curve that led to her waist. It had the saying, “Your face, my ass, what’s the difference?” written in bold letters on the front of the shirt. Emily had bought it for her for Christmas the year before and Ali had thought that it was hilarious, but she didn’t wear it very often during the school year because it was considered “inappropriate”. The shorts that she slipped on were frayed at the bottoms and stopped in the middle of her thighs, hiding the awkward tan that she had gotten over the summer.

Ali dragged a brush through her wet hair, fluffing it out and spraying a little hair spray into it to make it shine. She applied a little mascara to her eyes, and put on some cherry flavored chap stick. The sounds of someone knocking on her door made her turn and walk over to it, pulling it open to see a smiling Emily. Her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail with a few stray strands hanging down around her face. She was wearing a green crop top that exposed her belly and showed off her new piercing.

“Morning, babe,” she greeted her sister. “Are you doing anything special today?”

Ali leaned up against the door frame, thinking for a moment before answering her sister’s question. “Sara invited me over to her house to meet her cousin. Apparently he’s staying with her family for the year.”

“Where’s he from?”

Ali shrugged her shoulders. “She didn’t say. All she said was that she wanted me to meet him and that he’s going to be a senior this year.”

“Well, tell Sara I said hey.” Emily’s lips pulled back into a smile, and as she turned to leave, Ali stopped her by placing a hand on her shoulder.

“Is there any chance that I can get a ride to her house?”

Emily chuckled, nodding her head. “Of course. I’m sure that Liam won’t mind. We’re going paddle boating so he came over early.”

“He’s here already?”

 “Yep,” she said, popping the ‘p’. “He’s downstairs raiding the refrigerator.”

Ali laughed. “Oh, god. We’re going to have to go grocery shopping. He eats like a freaking pig.”

“That’s because he’s an athlete.”

Ali rolled her eyes, walking past her sister into the hallway. “The most workout that boy ever gets is when he’s in your bed.”

Emily followed behind her sister; trailing her down the stairs and towards the kitchen. “He used to play hockey.”

Scoffing, Ali turned towards her sister. “Yeah, when he was like eight.”

“Actually, he was twelve. That’s a big difference.”

Ali and Emily walked into the kitchen, finding Liam sitting on the island, shoveling a spoonful of eggs into his mouth. “Hey, ladies,” he mumbled.

“Don’t talk with your mouthful. Man Em, when are you planning on training him?”

Liam swallowed loudly before feigning a laugh. “Ha ha, you’re so funny. You should really look into being a comedian someday.”

Emily washed her hands at the sink, flicking water at Ali as she looked through the fridge. “At least he’s potty trained. That’s the first step.”

“I guess,” Ali replied as she stood up, holding a carton of eggs. “Want some eggs, Em?”

Emily nodded, bending over and opening a cabinet so that she could pull a pan out. She stood up, using her foot to push the cabinet closed. Emily placed the pan on the stove as Ali set the carton of eggs on the island. Ali popped the container open, frowning down at its contents. “Liam, where are the rest of the eggs?” She picked up the single egg that was left in the carton and rotated it in her hand absentmindedly.

Foreign Exchange Student From HellTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon