5: "I'm going to jump into the deep end and drown myself."

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“God damn it’s hot in here.” Emily dabbed a napkin on her forehead, sopping up a bead of sweat.

“Well, that’s kind of the point of a sauna, you know. For it to be hot.”

Emily dropped the damp napkin on the tiled floor of the sauna room and began to rake her hair up into a messy bun. “It shouldn’t be this hot though. No wonder they say pregnant women shouldn’t be in here. Their babies would literally be buns in the oven.”

“I like it. The heat gives me time to think.” 

“You think way to much. This is supposed to be time for you to relax.”

“I don’t need relaxation time.”

“Ali, we’re in the highlight of our lives. We’re supposed to be young, wild, and free. Not constrained to the restrictions of life.” Emily bit her bottom lip and batted her eye lashes at her twin sister. “Besides, we’re hot.”

Ali furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as to how her last statement made any difference.

“Attractive people get more opportunities in life. Its fact, not opinion.”

“Sure it is,” Ali responded, rolling her green eyes. She tossed her hair back and stood up. “Practice was hard today. I swear, if I have to do one more butterfly I’m going to jump into the deep end and drown myself.”

Swim team had started a few weeks before school did, giving those that had gotten out of shape during the summer time to get back into the pool and train. Tryouts for the team were not going to be held until a month or two after school started, but for now, the practices acted as preparation for the upcoming swim season.

“I want to drown myself anyway. I fucking hate Coach Kris. She’s such a bitch.” Emily stood up tall, her body curvy in all of the right places. Ali and Emily both wore the same red white and blue one-piece bathing suit that was mandatory for all of their schools swim team members. Even wearing the unflattering bathing suit, she managed to look like a model that had walked straight off of the cover of Teen Vogue. 

Ali’s eyes widened and she tilted her head to the side. “All of those cuss words were unnecessary. Coach Kris is not that bad. Yes, she’s annoying...

“And bossy.” 

She sighed, “And bossy, but that doesn’t mean that she isn’t a good coach.”

“To me it does.” Emily followed her sister out of the sauna and into the changing area of the women’s locker room. “I honestly think that she’s out to get me. She always finds something wrong with what I’m doing.” 

A small smile twisted Ali’s lips upwards. She wouldn’t admit it, but she loved when Coach Kris called Emily out for doing something wrong in practice. It wasn’t that she hated her sister or anything, it was just that Emily never seemed to be criticized harshly for something. She usually was so good at everything, even when it came to school, despite her bad girl reputation.

Ali leaned expertly entered her combination code for her locker and began to pull out her clothes, preparing to get out of her damp suit. “She doesn’t find something wrong in everything you do.”

A scoff escaped from Emily’s mouth, her blue eyes rolling as she said, “Everyday she says that I’m breathing wrong. Please tell me how the hell I’m breathing wrong if I’m still alive, because obviously I must be doing something right!”

Laughing, Ali smiled. “Maybe she does hate you just a little bit.”

“I bet she’s just mad that she’s too old to swim competitively any more,” Emily joked, stepping out of her suit, and standing naked for a moment as she dug through her bag in search of her clothes.

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