“Let’s go. I feel like I’m going to be sick. If I do get sick, I’m blaming it on you, cinnamon.” Randall warned, poking Sage in his chest. His hands raised in his defence, his heterochromia-like eyes widened to their full width.

“B-but I didn’t! A-and don’t call me cinnamon, please.” Sage intoned, unable to resist the watery laugh that flowed past his lips.

“I will if you don’t pack up. Seriously, Sage. How can you eat in here? I’m going to throw up on you!”

“No!” Sage shrieked, instantly rising to his feet, pushing his laughing friend out of the cubicle, to the sink. “D-do it there.”

When Randall’s laughter finally subsided, he composed himself, mirth still dancing around in his pretty eyes. “Just joking. At least I got you out.”

Before Sage could shrink back in his abode, Randall’s hands slid into his, wiggling his fingers through the spaces between Sage’s. He nodded to the exit. “Ready?”

The blond’s heart started beating out of control, and his eyes furiously darted back and forth between Randall and the door, hesitant. Where was the cloak of invisibility when you needed it? Or at least the ability to snuggle himself in Randall’s side where no one could see him.

The feel of hands rushing through his hair made him jump, only to discover that it was Randall. “You have nice hair.” He commented, trying to distract Sage from the issue at hand. Colour flooded the boy’s pale cheeks, and he looked down, his gaze falling on interlocked fingers.

“R-Randall … we-we can’t be holding …” his voice faltered, so he resorted to wiggling his hand against Randall’s.

“Why not?” he asked, not letting go.

Sage’s lightly coloured brows caved in, and he tentatively stared up at Randall through his thick eyelashes. “B-because … because …”

“Nothing.” Randall finished for him. “Just because two boys hold hands don’t make them, and I quote, ‘fags’ end quote. Two girls can do the same and it’s not a problem, so screw whichever bigoted piece of shit who wants to be biased.” His lips bent in a scowl, and he rolled his eyes at how indignant the whole thing was. “They’re not even homophobic. Do you know Ted and Lewis?” he asked, his gaze flickering to Sage’s, hopefully.

Sage shook his head, some blond curls taking advantage of the situation to escape from behind his ear. Randall continued. “Basically, they’re a couple, both on the football team. Nobody has a problem with them.”

Brushing the errant strands of hair back, Sage bit his lip, confused.

Randall continued. “They’re only after you because you’re afraid of them. That’s where bullies generate their power from, you know? But don’t worry. I’m here to kick you their asses.” Randall bragged, a cock smile lighting up his face. “And, uh, one more thing. Why Xander?”

Sage looked away from his intense gaze. He caught the corner of his bottom lip between his teeth, remaining silent. He was not planning to tell him what happened to him on that day at school, when he first saw Xander.

“He’s an asshole, Sage.” Randall continued, his voice dropping below to a whisper. “And straight. Not to mention that he has serious issues, that bipolar shithead.”

Conflicted Eyes, Confusing Feelings | CompleteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora