Chapter 19

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Sheshira pov.

The shopping trip with Rose had lasted hours. I was surprised that we didn't end up buying out the whole store. We had found and bought clothes, dresses, and even some jewelry. I myself had found a beautiful bracelet made of leather. I had even found a few things that I thought Roman would like.
Earlier on our way here, Rose had told me that Roman's birthday would be coming up soon. So I thought that I would start searching for something that he would like.

At the end of the day, before we left, I found a painting of wolves. It seemed like something that Roman would like and he could hang it anyplace he wanted.

It wasn't long after that we started to head to Rose's car to pack up the things that we had bought and started for home. The sun was starting to go down when we were about a quarter of the way home.
Rose had the radio on and we were both singing to the song that was currently on.

By now it was dark out and I couldn't see too well in the dark. I could make out the trees near the road from inside of Rose's car, and I thought that I saw something running through the forest we were driving by. I was so focused on the thing running through the forest that I didn't even see the wolf jump in front of the car until it was too late.

"Rose look out!" I yelled out before we were about to hit the wolf standing in the middle of the road.

Rose swerved to avoid the wolf causing the car to roll a few times. On the last roll, the car landed upside down. My vision was fading and before I knew it my world had gone dark.

Rose pov.

The darkness of night filled my vision when I opened my eyes. I couldn't hear Sheshira at all, I couldn't even sense that she was next to me. I moved my arm to reach out and touch her arm but when my hand was where she should have been, there was nothing.

"Sheshira," I called out but there was no response.

I tried to unbuckle my seatbelt but couldn't, so I partly shifted causing my nails to become claws. I shredded the seat belt and used my strength to kick the driver's side door open. I crawled out of the upside-down car and called out Sheshira's name again, but there was still no response. Where could she be?

'Roman,' I mind-linked my brother.

Siblings and mates could communicate from a long distance easier than non-related werewolves.

'Roman,' I reached out with my mind nervously.

'Rose,' he finally replied.

'We've been in a crash, I can't find Sheshira,'

'I'm on my way with a couple of pack members,' he mind-linked back and then his presence was gone from my mind.

Roman pov.

"Where is she?" was the first thing I asked when I arrived at where Rose's car had crashed.

"I don't know, I can't find her," Rose replied.

"You're bleeding," I stated once I smelled fresh blood.

"Yeah, I noticed that my leg was bleeding after I got out of the car," Rose explained.

"It will be alright by tomorrow. We should focus on finding Sheshira, I don't know how badly she was hurt or if she was hurt at all." Rose continued after a couple of seconds.

"Royce, take my sister to the pack doctor and bring back some more pack members with you. I want you back here as soon as possible." I ordered my gamma, Royce.

"Yes Alpha," Royce replied and immediately escorted Rose to his truck and took off.

"Ryan lets start looking around this area and see if we can't pick up a scent," I stated and started to scout the area for Sheshira.

Sorry for the late update. Had writers block again.

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