Chapter 18

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Sheshira pov.

It had only been a few days since I had met Romans family and told him that I loved him. We had spent just about every hour together the past few days. It was peaceful here.

I had run into Romans sister Rose and her mate Emmett a couple of times. Rose was planning on taking me on one of her shopping trips. She had insisted that I get some more clothes and accessories. She had also been hinting that I should tell her the details of what was going on between Roman and me, but I would only blush at the thought. I am sure that Rose would question me on every detail when we go on that shopping trip she has been planning.

Roman was constantly smiling at me and making fun memories. Sometimes we seemed like children when we were really adults. We spent most of the time in the pack house even though Roman had finished his alpha work for the time being.

Some of the younger werewolves that didn't have mates would look at us as if we were crazy, and others would look at us with jealousy in their eyes. They wanted what we had. Happiness and love. The werewolves with mates would look at us and then smile at their own mates. The old people of the pack looked to be reminiscing about their younger days with their own mates, some would even look at us and tell us that we were cute together.

"Sheshira, what are you doing just standing here?" Roman asked.

I hadn't heard him approach me, but I did, however, feel him wrap his arms around me from behind.

"Just thinking about the past few days," I replied.

"Hmm," he sounded out resting his head in the crook of my neck.

"Rose is going to steal you from me tomorrow for your guys' shopping trip," he continued after a few seconds.

"I take it that you won't be coming with us tomorrow?"

"Sadly no, I have something to do in your absence,"

"And what would that be?" I questioned Roman.

"A surprise," was all that he said.

Roman pov.

Today was the day that my sister was taking Sheshira on a shopping trip. Sheshira and my sister had already left this morning before noon. Sheshira had kissed me before leaving, but once I had my lips on hers I didn't want to let her go for the rest of the day. But I knew that Rose wouldn't let me keep her for the day and besides I had other plans for the day anyways.

I was going to ask her to let me mark her, but I wanted to do it the human way. Meaning that I would basically be asking her to marry me. It probably sounded silly but I wanted this. Marking your mate was like getting married except that there was no option to get a divorce. I wanted to do this for Sheshira, so today I was going to find something special for the occasion.

I was currently on my way to a jewelry store that was in the opposite direction of where Rose and Sheshira were going to be shopping. The drive over there took a few hours, but when I got there I was in trouble. There was too much to chose from, perhaps I should have tried to find a store with a slimmer amount of jewelry to chose from.

I walked around the store a bit glancing at things that caught my eye. I wasn't quite sure if I should get her a necklace or if I should get her a ring and just propose to her. I was excited and nervous at the same time about how she would react when I ask her to let me mark her or to marry me basically.

"Do you need any help, Sir?" Someone asked me from beside me.

"What do you have for special occasions?" I asked the store worker.

"What kind of occasion is it if you don't mind me asking?" The store worker replied.

"I'm going to ask my mate to allow me to mark her and I want something special to give to her," I explained.

"We have some items over here that might suit your mate," the store worker said steering me in the direction of some rings and necklaces.

From there on out, I was able to find something for Sheshira by myself.

In the end, I ended up buying a ring and a necklace because I couldn't choose between the two items.

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