Trust or Betrayal

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Quick note this chapter will contain creatures from the movie narnia the creatures will be the Minotaur, the centaur, fauns, dwarfs, and some from just random things. There will be giants, and the Centaurs, fauns, dwarfs,  talking animals but all will be in a later chapter.Enjoy. Sorry the picture is messed up, tried using photoshop and i did not know what i was doing and yes their are nine knights there but really there is only eight.


Eight horses rode through the gates of Camelot and came to an exalted halt rearing up as they did. Clad in gold, silver and even black armor the horses frantically neighed some pawing at the ground as people gasped, but it was not the horses they were afraid of, it was the men that sat upon them. Three bore scars on their faces. One had a long jagged scar over his right eye, another what looked that claws scarred his neck and the other a jagged scar that ran from the side of his nose to the crick of his neck. More gasps escaped the people as they saw what came behind the knights. A creature that could only be described as something pulled from a story book. (Narnia actually, its the Minotaur) A creature akin to a bull, but with long hair stood by them, blowing air through its nose in a huffing gesture.
A guard approached the knights.
"Whats your business er' " Even the guard couldn't help but stutter his words at the men before him.
"We seek an audience with your king immediately, its a matter of great urgency." The knight at the front of the group, riding a stallion of pure black with golden armor spoke and next to him the Minotaur snorted.
The guard gulped. "I'll take you to him he's waiting for ye' "
The guard looked nervously  at Minotaur as the knights dismounted, the knight turned to the Minotaur.
"Wait in the woods Ternus, if were not back by sundown, inform the prince." The Minotaur snorted then took the horses and walked back through the gates.
The guard was still anxious as he brought the knights before the king, and to say arthur was shocked when the men came through the doors would be an understatement.
To arthur they were an odd bunch, the leader walking in the front, with tan skin and black, charcoal hair and a scar that ran from the side of his nose to the crick of his neck.Next to him was a skinnier fellow with lighter skin and brown hair, he too had a scar a jagged one on that ran from the side of his nose to the crick of his neck.Behind him was a big man with beefy arms, kinda of reminded him of Percival, he bore scars that looked that long jagged claws he had auburn hair. On the other side were two boys that almost looked exactly the same, with muscular builds, tan skin, and auburn hair. There were three more next to them. One had black hair with dark features, another blonde hair with pale skin, and the last looked vaguely familiar to Arthur but he could not put his finger on i. All the while arthur was taking them in, seeing if anything was off, the knights had made their way to where he was and were now kneeling before him, an arm over their chest.
Just like Merlin said they would. Arthur thought.
"Rise" Arthur spoke. The knights did so without hesitation
"What is your business in here"
"King Arthur, my name is sir Braum these" The man named Braum gestured to the men behind him
"Are my brothers, sir James, Sir Lachlan, sir Bren, sirs shailon, and Malcolm, Sir Will, and lastly sir Damaon". Each knight nodded their head as there names were called. "We come from a distant land far beyond your reaches and our kingdom is in great peril. We have been searching for our lost heir since the  attack upon are kingdom, we were separated from him and him separated from his siblings. We have reason to believe he resides here in Camelot."
"What makes you think your lost heir is here? Surely I would have known." Arthur played along, just until he knew they could be trusted.
"Well the wolf behind you serves as one reason"
Suddenly sitka came out of hiding baring his teeth, snarling at the knights.
"Hello Sitka"  believe it was sir Damon that spoke, but the wolf only growled louder, making all the knights sigh.
"You do not trust us" Braum looked to arthur and arthur replied.
"Why should I- I mean we trust you?"
"I second that notion" all the knights turned around and found Gwaine stepping forward, hand on the hilt of the sword.
"Sir Gwaine, you know very well if we could not be trusted we would not be able to do this." Sir Braum  spoke this and the knights turned back to Arthur,
One by one a single flame lit in there hands.
"Byrne sethi marone, healenon (heal-le-non) bethe homa, heiro Altair, lete tulon loynot methe som me oron. Byrne sethi marone, drakon salar y medli coron........" they spoke as one and then the flame swirled into a dragon from all there flames and they ended by saying.
"Trono heirona Altain"
The dragon swirled to the back of the chamber and reached an outstretched hand, which just so happened to be Merlin's hand.
Gasps from the entire hall filled the small room as the knights saw the dragon burn into the skin and Merlin's eyes turn gold. Arthur though stood in wonder at merlin, who was clothed in a royal blue tunic, with a silver handkerchief around his neck, a sword at his side and a cloak that seemed our gold and blue, what held the cloak in place was silver clasp that looked like a wolf. On Merlin's head was his crown that seemed to be glowing.
When the flamed died down, merlin looked straight at Braum, with a grim face, Braum and the rest of the knights instantly went down on one knee, hand in a fist across their heart, all looking down. The room was silent as Merlin walked towards them, a grim face still there.
Arthur leaned forward in his chair hand on his chin, waiting for merlin judge them.
Merlin reached the eight knights, towering above them. Braum lifted his head only slightly, smiling a small smile and when he looked up Merlins demeanor changed as if a switch was flipped. Above Braum, merlin stood smiling his cheeky smile.
"Arise, Knights of Altair" Merlin spoke in a regal manner, to Arthur it was strange yet fitting.
The knights stood one by one and without warning, merlin grasped Braum's hand and pulled him into a hug, but the hug ended quickly for merlin placed his hand on Braum's shoulder and spoke.
"I'm relieved see you alive"
"You as well........sire" Braum said playfully.
"Titles Braum, Titles." Merlin said annoyed.
"Haha you haven't changed a bit" Damon I believed spoke and grasped merlin into a bear hug.
"Damon....Damon..... cant.... breathe" Merlin chuckled as Damon let go, ignoring everyone else in the room
One by one the knights grasped merlin in hugs and hair ruffles, yet there was one knight who just stared at the scene and that got Merlins attention.
Merlin looked to the knight. "Whats wrong Willy" Merlin stalked towards the knight.
"Their right you haven't changed changed a bit"
Merlin grasped Will's hand and pulled him into a hug as well yet this one was longer, all the knights heard Merlins words. "I thought you were gone for good"
Will replied "I did too" They broke the hug
"Well this is all very touching, but can someone PLEASE tell me what the bloody hell just happened." All eyes turned to Arthur.
Arthur widened his eyes waiting for someone to speak.
Merlin clasped his hands together. "Right....." Merlin turned his head smiling anxiously as he did, then turned it back to Arthur.
"Well first it is time for a proper introduction" Merlin gestured to the knights behind him
"Arthur meet the knights of Altair, Knights of Altair meet King Arthur of Camelot in all his royal prattiness"  Arthur rolled his eyes while the knights all laughed.
"Well it is a pleasure to meet you all, under the circumstances." Gwen spoke this time
"And it is a pleasure to meet the people that have kept our brother in arms safe" Arthur believed it was Sir Bren who spoke and in doing so placed a hand on Merlin's shoulder.
Merlin looked down blushing.
"Pleasures all mine, not everyday you find out the man you've called a brother in every way, is a king of some foreign kingdom that I've personally only heard in fairytales" Arthur spoke rather sarcastically
"Some fairytales are reality" Braum spoke and soon an argument broke out, but Merlin cut in.
"Speaking of reality, lets get back to that for a moment" Merlin spoke and the knights and Arthur turned to him.
"Arthur can i have a moment alone with them?" Arthur looked to Merlins knights and found them chatting about with the round table knights.
"Of course, the children are probably wondering if your alright, better go and check on them" Arthur spoke unwillingly, not wanting to leave merlin alone in case this all was just an act.
Arthur cleared his throat to the other knights and motioned for them to leave, but when he turned around he found Lancelot and Gwaine standing and looking at the floor.
"Lancelot, Gwaine, you heard Merlin."
"oh right i ah almost forgot, i think its high time you wore your proper attire" Merlin looked to Gwaine and Lancelot and touched their shoulders. a gold shimmer came from his hands and his eyes turned gold.
Soon the regal red capes that once were worn were turned into a brilliant blue that seemed to have diamonds or stars on it from the way it shimmered. On the back of Gwaine's cape their was a wolf holding a sword and it was the same as Lancelot's only there were owl wings behind the wolf.
The round table knights gaped like fish as they watched.
"Now that feels better" Gwaine spoke hold heartedly gesturing to himself.
Everyone chuckled, then Arthur's face turned puzzle and as if an unspoken question was placed in the air Lancelot answered.
"We are knights of Altaian, we never told you because like merlin*He gestured to merlin* we could not remember, we remembered shortly after him, we are still loyal to you, but the only reason we ever became knights of Camelot was because of Merlin, king or not"
"I understand completely" Arthur said.
Gwen squeezed Arthurs shoulder and nodded her head to the door.
"Right, we best leave you to your business." With a nod arthur, Gwen and the knights left merlin alone.
Merlin looked away from all of them fearful to ask the questions in his head, but he did anyway not looking at any of them.
"Tell me the truth, how bad is it?"
"I don't think it-" Braum started but what was interrupted
'Tell me, please i need to know" Merlin turned to them tears threatening to fall. Sitka whimpered next to him.
"*sigh* Milek has left the castle to rot he resides in the eastern lands, he has enslaved the people and creatures that were easy to control and manipulate, most of the northern woods are burned, but the Caliaban forest remain and the creatures within..... the people are dying......." merlin didnt hear the rest he didnt need to.
"Tell me, are they alive" Braum looked to the knights then back to merlin
"James and Micheal reside back at our camp, Kora as well, they are all safe and alive" Braum finished.
"oh thank god" Merlin breathed a sigh of relief and then chuckled.
"Everyone's safe,but" Damon spoke this time
"But what?" Merlin looked to all the knights
"The kingdom is dying Merlin you must claim the throne otherwise the kingdom and its people will die!"Braum spoke softly
"It wont work its just a fairytale" Merlin placed his hands on the table and looked away from all the knights.
"Its not just a fairytale it will work"
"How do you know it will work?"
"Because if we don't believe, all that we have done for this kingdom, all the hope the people had, the fire that has burned through us all *braum made a fist and made a strong gesture with it* all life from the mountains to the people to the forest, everything will be lost."
Merlin looked forward past the knights then Damon spoke.
"We have our allies now all we need is a leader, your brothers do well, but"
Lancelot finished for him "We need you Merlin" Lancelot spoke bluntly.
Merlin looked to Lancelot, but found something else, he saw his sister standing there, older and as beautiful as ever. The ghost figure nodded her head and merlin could see a tear fall. The ghost bowed their head and was gone.
Merlin looked to all his knights. "For the love of Altaian" With a swift motion Merlin's pulled out his sword and brought it in front him.
"For the love of Altaian" Braum put his sword next to Merlin's the tips touching each other.
"For the love altain" Another sword
"For the love of Altaian" Twin swords were laid down
"For the love of Altaian" Damon's sword
"For Love Of Altaian" Brem's was next
"For the love of Altaian" both will's and Lachlan's swords went down
Merlin looked to Lancelot and Gwaine.
"For the love of Altaian" both of them placed their swords down
A fury figure then stood next to merlin, Mira sat perched in the middle of the circle of swords.
Sitka growled, the knights lifted their swords to the sun and Sitka howled a great how, for all to hear the message clear.
The King has returned.

Holy cow i am so sorry for not updating!!! Like i said I'm touching up recent chapters after seeing so many grammar errors and not liking the dialogue so i changed, but i also had writers block and was stuck for the longest time. Can you guess who's alive and wanting revenge? If so leave a comment who!!! Thank you guys so much for reading and hope you enjoyed! And sorry no preview for the next chapter i want it to be a surprise!!!
Go to the last chapter I just put up and see why I removed that last bit!

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