"Well that's a drag, isn't it George?" Chubby-cheeks crossed his arms and faced George.

"A drag indeed, Paul," George played along.

"Alas," Paul rose his eyebrows in mock realization," we only came 'round to see if ya had any new rock n' roll records."

"Aren't you the bird that stood up on a table and showed everyone 'er knockers at John's New Years party?" George asked with a cheeky smirk.

My face flushed, and I knew they could see it from the way they smiled in satisfaction at each other. I ignored the question about John's party, probably solidifying their suspicions.

"Cheeky. I can already see the Oscar in your lotioned hands." I grabbed my cross-body purse, putting it on. I huffed, walking from behind the counter. "I fucking quit, Marvin! You narcissistic sod!"

I didn't spare one glance towards the two boys. If I wasn't in such a shite mood I probably would've laughed with them. What charmers they were.


The sound on my shoe rhythmically tapping the polished, oak floors filled the small diner. Out of all things that I was, one of them wasn't patient. The girl that called for my roommate ad was fifteen minutes late.

I groaned, earning a judging look from the couple near me. I mocked their looks, rolling my eyes and sipping my tea.

"Oi! Slow down, love," a chef called from behind the pastry display.

My gaze shifted to the door, seeing an out of breath, blonde girl. She met eyes with me, shakily making her way over.

"Um, hi I'm Diana." The girl sat down, offering a shy smile. My annoyance diminished at her kind smile, even if it was noticeably forced.

"Stella. You don't have to pretend to be happy. I think we're both having quite shit days," I assured her with a smirk, she visibly relaxed and slumped her shoulders, slouching in her chair.

"Oh thank God. Listen, sorry I'm late, but the taxi driver was as dumb as a rock," she explained.

"No worries. So I'm going to skip the beat around the bush crap. What are you making right now, and what can you contribute?"

She told me how she's waitressing, figuring out what she fancies for a living. She's making a decent amount, and could pay half the rent to a small, two-story house. She also said she would help get me a job at her restaurant. She was a very delightful girl; not too serious, and a good sense of humor.

"So tell me, what brought ya to Liverpool?" I asked, biting into a scone. She blew out a puff of air.

"Um, I lived in Michigan with my mom and dad. When I was fourteen, the bastard cheated on my mom, and she became an uncertified hooker. Two years later, I moved in with my uncle in a small town near here. I graduated from high school, and here I am." Diana shrugged, clearly showing resentment in her face. "So what's your story?"

"Grew up in a town around half of an hour away. Shit mum, and an excellent brother. She made me and my brother test into this private school that's close to here. He graduated and went off to Oxford. I graduated and moved out." Of course, some unknown force held back some of the stuff I wanted to say. Some of the stuff I've been trying to forget. I cleared my throat. "So when do you plan on moving in?"

"I kind of had the taxi man drop off my boxes at the address you gave me." She nervously laughed.

My eyes grew twice their size at her comment. "You're fucking me," I stated the question.

"Uh, no, why?" She mirrored my concerned expression. I hastily got up and dragged her out of the door, my pace increasing with every step. "Did we just dine-and-dash?"

"I gave you a false address, ya wanker! Why would I give the real address to someone I've never met?" I yelled, jogging with her next to me.

"Well, Liverpool just screwed me in the ass."


"Well at least this day has a happy ending," I dryly joked.

We were both carrying two cardboard boxes down the sidewalk, lucky enough to live in a city where you can walk anywhere.

"Ya, this is very relaxing, you little minx." She stared ahead, pouting. "Who did you think would meet up with you? Dracula?"

"Oh, sod off!" I brushed her off," i didn't grow up in a great town, it was an instinct."

"Well why didn't you tell me that when's I started yelling? Now I dammed well feel like a piece of shit."

We arrived at the small house. We dramatically stared up at it, as if in a movie. I got the keys out of my purse, nearly dropping the boxes. I unlocked the black door, pushing it open with my foot. I dropped the boxes while taking my shoes off, making my way towards the stairs.

"Oh, right." I tossed her a spare key, making her drop the boxes. "Your room is first on the right." I made my way up the wooden stairs, which the polish was chipping off of. "By the way, the stairs are slightly slippery, the third step creaks, there's a hole in the kitchen wall, and I think your gonna be my best mate. Goodnight."

"Uh, goodnight."


I hope you guys liked this chapter, many more Beatles to come.
I may be switching from third to first pov but I'll let you know beforehand.

Leave any comments/suggestions/questions!


𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐋𝐓𝐄𝐑, paul mccartney Where stories live. Discover now