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"I need to be completely honest with you as you should be completely honest with yourself, Robin" Frank says, oh boy, here it comes "You are in love with Alan, everybody knows, except him, apparently, and now that he is single again, you want to be single to, and I was an idiot for thinking I could win your heart, make you forget him, so I think it is better if stop the lie and we take our separate ways" Frank says and I sigh "I know, I know, you really tried, but well, you did not try hard enough" he adds "I actually was going to say that I am glad we understand each other and that we are going to have a very quiet break up" I say and he blinks a few times "I have to get back to work, but enjoy your lunch on the house" I say as I stand "Not even an I'm sorry? You are just going to walk away and seriously let a catch like me fly away?" he asks, I sigh, pride hurt, no doubt "Yes, because I have 0 interest in keeping you trapped, go away, fly to another owner or whatever floats your boat" I answer as I walk to the kitchen.

"His lunch goes on me" I say to the hostess pointing at Frank "Yes, Chef" she answers, I enter the kitchen.

"The news truly travel quickly in this town" Candice says as I wash my hands "So your best friend ends his engagements and you suddenly break up with Frank, too much coincidence, don't you think?" Candice says as I revise orders "Frank broke up with me" I say "Right, could you look more heartbroken? It is hard to tell who broke up with who" Candice says "Get back to work, Candice, we have lots of clients" I say as I walk to the pantry.

"And we have waiters, waitress, who can take care of the clients" Candice says, I sigh "Fine, you want to talk about it, let's talk about it, the fact that Alan ended his engagement and shortly after my boyfriend of almost 2 years decides to break up with me instead of trusting as any good boyfriend should, he did not trust me, why should I be heartbroken? Why feel sad when he dumped me like all the idiots in the past, they heard that Alan ended his relationship and automatically I will drop everything and follow his ass around, just like you did" I say as I sigh "If a man needs me to beg him to stay with me, he shouldn't be with me at all, because unlike everybody thinks, I do not run after Alan every single time he ends his relationships" I say "Maybe you deserve someone who is not afraid of our history" a familiar voices and I sigh.

I turn to see Alan standing in the entrance of the kitchen "Hey" Alan greets "What are you doing here?" I ask "I have been away for 3 years and you receive me like this? By been mad at me for your recent break up?" he asks as he walks towards me "You left me without a boyfriend, I guess I am in all my right to be mad at you" I answer "Good thing I brought your favorite chocolate" Alan says as he hands me a huge box, I frown "You might be mad at me, but today, 10 years ago, a wonderful friendship started, and as mad as you are, you are cooking us dinner tonight, my place at 7" Alan says "Sure, because nothing would make me feel better than proving my ex-right" I say "Say whatever you want, we are having dinner tonight" Alan says, I sigh as Alan places a kiss on my forehead.

Alan exists the kitchen "He..." "A lot has been going on today, Candice, I already let out all I had to say, can you leave me, so I can focus on cooking" I say "Sure" Candice says as she walks to the exit.

I have to admit, it took me a while to open myself to Frank, to let him know how I feel about him, about us, but after Alan, I decided to be very careful with to who I give my heart to. But I am truly enjoying been with Frank, the feelings are present, I am very happy, and I guess I can start saying was, because a simple sentence such as "Alan ended his engagement" got him running to the hills. I am destined to never be happy.

I look at the box that Alan left me, I sigh as I grab the note stick on top, I read the note:

Dear Robin:

I missed you a lot, Rob. You are truly an important person to me. I decided to bring you something to remind you how important you are to me.

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