Chapter 1: Momma said you're a pretty girl, what's in your head doesn't matter

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Chapter 1.

Momma said you're a pretty girl. What's in your head doesn't matter.

I took a deep breath and waited for the music to start. The violin began to play, and I took a few steps. Then the piano began to play, and I did an arabesque. The music kept going and I did a pirouette then ended in retiré devant. I kept dancing, going with be music and I could feel my muscles physically relaxing.

The music picked up and I did a grand jeté. I did another one and then the music stopped, and I stood in fifth position and the music slowly started again and I did a relevé in fifth and then a soubresaut. The music was quiet, and I began to do an attitude derrière when suddenly some drums were banged.

I stumbled and then the drums began to play in an erratic beat. I huffed and turned off my music. I walked out of the small room and went to the adjacent room. I threw he door open and spotted him playing the drums. He had big black headphones as he banged his drums. I clenched my fists and walked over. I shoved his shoulder and he nearly fell off.

Levi yanked off his headphones and looked over mad. He saw me and his face relaxed. "What is your deal?"

I crossed my arms over my chest, glaring at him. "I was going to tell you the same thing. You're drumming is disrupting my practicing." I narrowed my eyes a little more. He was really good at getting under my skin.

"Well you're disrupting my life Minnie," Levi said knowing very well that it pissed me off.

"Don't call me that." And I had to resist the urge to stomp my foot. He made me act like I was 8 years old. I hated it.

was smirking now. "Is that all you wanted Princess?"

"Don't call me that either!" I clenched my fists, so I wouldn't punch him. Last time I did, it hurt me more than him.

Levi just kept smirking which annoyed me even more. The turd.

"I have this room scheduled at 5 and guess what Princess? It's 5," Levi said, smirking.

I pursed my lips at his stupid response and his stupid nicknames. "I will complain about this."

"And I'll complain about your obnoxious music."

"It's not obnoxious! It's classical music you uncultured swine," I practically yelled. He chuckled a bit and I was ready to strangle him.

"You're always a pleasure to have around Minnie." Levi put his headphones back on. He winked at me and began to play.

I huffed and spun around and left the stupid room. I went over to mine and held in a sigh. Mrs. Arellano was already there.

"There you are Riley. I was wondering where you were," Mrs. Arellano said.

I managed to smile at her. "I'll get my stuff out of the way." I walked over to the stereo. I unplugged my phone and walked over to my PINK duffel bag. I sat down on the floor and took off my pointe shoes. I grabbed my converse and yanked them on.

The drumming began, and Mrs. Arellano flinched.

"I told him to quiet down." I rolled my eyes.

Mrs. Arellano smiled. "I don't mind. I would much rather have him here with his drums than out on the street like some other youths are."

I held in a sigh and stood up. "I'll see you next week Mrs. Arellano." I even managed to smile at her.

Mrs. Arellano smiled back and waved.

Spiralingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें