"If you can find the only Portal still standing in that dimension it will take you to your father," Meliorn told the girls continuing leading them through the green wilderness.

Meliorn finally stopped once they had traveled deeper in. 

"These trees are where the alternate dimensions intersect the Seelie realm."

Meliorn pointed at two arched trees crossing over each other. Leaves grew on the top of the arch finishing halfway down the arch and spreading all the way out.

"How is it possible the Clave doesn't know about your dimensional doorways?" Jace asked.

"They are our most guarded secret. We are their protectors. Only Seelies know of their existence." 

"Then why are you telling us?" Clary asked.

"I owe her a life debt.." Meliorn said looking at Khloe. "I don't like being indebted to anyone." 

"But what would happen if--"

"The Seelie Queen finds our I've shared this with you? I could be executed."

Khloe took a deep breath realizing how much Meliorn was risking for them.

"Well, we'll be extra careful then," Jace told Meliorn.

Meliorn took down at Jace. "The 'we' in this scenario does not involve you, Jace Wayland. Only the two Fair child girls. I am not indebted to you, only them."

Jace began to protest. "Jace we will be fine, we'll protect each other."

Jace sighed reluctantly nodding. Meliorn turned to the arched trees and began working his magic.

The green sparks danced along his fingertips for a few moments before spreading out into the air and spinning and moving the tree branches and hanging leaves out of the way.

The shadowhunters watched in amazement. 

"I knew Seelies were one with nature, but..." Clary said watching with wide eyes.

Once Meliorn had moved the branches out of the way he began starting opening the Portal. "This will establish a connection to the other dimension."

"What's it like? The other dimension. Is it like this one?" Clary asked.

"Scared?" Khloe asked her sister not looking away from the portal entrance.

"I just want to be prepared." Clary quickly replied.

"It can't be worse than this one," Khloe mumbled.

"To answer your question little Fairchild, it is, but it isn't."

"Could you be any more vague?" Jace asked crossing his arms.

"It is an alternate timeline of sorts. One in which shadowhunters and demons no longer exist. Their services are no longer needed. And Downworlders have conformed to the Mundane way of life to avoid detection." Meliorn continued speaking and using his magic until a door began forming between the gap in the trees.

"What happened to the Shadowhunters?" Clary asked.

"Their services were no longer required, because they won the war, against the demons, centuries ago. Once they sealed the rifts between their worlds their culture faded away." Meliorn explained inhaling deeply as he continued working on the door.

"Once you arrive in the alternate dimension, you will assume the body of the Khloe and Clary in that world. You will think and feel just like her."

"How will we know what we're doing?" Khloe questioned the Seelie.

"Your alternate self could consume you if you let it, but there will be apart of you that can take over and know what you're doing. Focus on the differences between the two worlds and find something to someone to keep you grounded to this one."

Khloe {Alec Lightwood}Where stories live. Discover now