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I woke up from last night's sleep after texting Justin. I went to take a shower. While I was finishing up I walked out of the shower into my room to see Hyunjin. i had a towel
Covering me

"Oh my gosh sorry y/n I just wanted to tell you breakfast is ready"-hyunjin
"Okay please get out"-y/n

After he got out I changed into my uniform. And went downstairs. I have no interest in makeup so I don't wear makeup.

"Wah you look good in the uniform y/n"-jisung

We finished eating. We went to school and their were fan boys and fangirls.


I put my mask on and ran away from the fans. Hopefully they didn't see me. I turned around to see the fans running after me "shit". I ran as fast I could to the principal office.

I was panting as I got in.

"Sorry if I was late I was being chased by fans"-y/n
"Ah yes here is your schedule y/n. I heard you are higher than your year level so I checked your scores and I put you into higher classes. I know your a 02liner but you'll be in a class of 00 liners. Hopefully you have a great time at your new school"-principal
"I will"-y/n

I checked my schedule class 2A. I walked to my class. My teacher told me to go in.

"Hi everyone my name is Park Y/n. I am a 02 liner thanks for listening"-y/n

They clapped. I don't know why tho.

"Okay y/n you can go sit their in between Feliz and Hyunjin."-teacher

I walked to the seat and sat down.

"Okay take out your math book"-teacher

We had to do a packet but I felt someone staring at me so I turned and looked at jisung who was staring at me.

"Do you need anything?"-y/n
"No sor-"-jisung
He was cut off

"Jisung since your talking right now can you answer number 12?"-teacher
"Y/n do you mind helping him out"-teacher
"The answer is 11"-y/n
"Correct thanks"-teacher

Class ended.

Fast forward to lunch.

"Hey y/n d-"-felix
He was cut off by my phone ring.

"Sorry I have to take this"-y/n

The caller was ChengCheng.


*He sniffles*

Y/n is now panicking

"What Happened ChengCheng?"-y/n

"Justin... Justin..... Justin"-ChengCheng

"Please tell me what happened to Justin"-y/n

"He got in a car accident"-ChengCheng

My phone fell and I cried as I fell to the ground in a kneeling postition.

"Y/n what's wrong?"-Felix

"Nothing I have to go"-y/n

Y/n wiped her tears as she picked her phone and left the school. She booked a plane to go straight to China. She was taking a taxi to the airport.

She got their in a couple hours. Y/n had texted ChengCheng to pick her up. She saw him and ran to him.

He had a puffy face. I could tell he was crying.

"Come on let's go"-ChengCheng

He took me into a van. His driver started to drive.

We arrived at the hospital. We got in Justin's room. I held his hand and cried. I looked down and sat on the chair.

I got up to go to ChengCheng. I hugged him.

"Let it all out y/n I'll be your tissue"-ChengCheng

Y/n cried on ChengChengs' shoulder.

We stayed in his room till midnight.

"Y/n are you okay?"-ChengCheng
"Yeah why?"-y/n
"I'll stay here you can go"-y/n
"I'll stay here with you guys"-ChengCheng

I started getting tired so I fell asleep on Justins' hand.

Next day.

I don't remember what happened. I feel like someone is waiting for me. I honk I'm sleeping but it's really dark here.

Some one came to me and said.
"I came here to tell you that y/n is going to be hurt soon but you shouldn't interfered with it, it may cause her to get hurt even more. So please let her handle it herself. Now it's time for you to wake up she's waiting for you"-angle

I woke up and saw y/n sleeping on my hand and ChengCheng sleeping on the couch.

She woke up.

"Justin your awake?"-y/n
"Yes I am"-Justin
"Are you feeling okay?"-y/n

In fact I wasn't feeling okay.

"Don't lie to me Justin I can see your not"-y/n
"You don't have to know about it. I'll tell you when I feel like it"-Justin

Justin just woke up a while ago and ChengCheng is still sleeping.

"Why are you already back from Korea?"-Justin
"I came for you because I was worried .ChengCheng called me"-y/n
"Ahh I don't really remember what happened"-Justin
"ChengCheng said you in a car accident"-y/n
"Oh I remember now"-Justin
"Mind telling me?"-y/n
"Well I was at school.... And it was lunch time...I went out to go to meet ChengCheng for lunch but as I was walking down the street. The light was red. I think there was this truck . Then I just remember seeing ChengCheng running out to me and I passed"-Justin
"I'm sorry I wasn't here Justin"-y/n
"It's not your fault"-Justin

ChengCheng wakes up.

He groans as the sunlight hits his face.


Y/n giggles at ChengCheng.


they look at me

I answered the call

"Yes Mom"-y/n
"The boys told me you weren't at home"-mom

Oh shit I fucked up... I forgot to tell them....plus I didn't get their numbers....shit...

"Sorry Mom I forgot to tell them I wouldn't be their for yesterday and tommorow"-y/n
"Oh ok, where are you now?"-mom
"In a hospital..."-y/n
"What happened?!?"-mom
"Justin was in a car accident so I immideatly went to China"-y/n
"Ahh tell him I said get well soon"-mom
"Well he's already listening"-y/n
"Ahh.. well we will see you soon y/n"-mom

That's it for this chapter. Hopefully you guys like it. I will only include some of the yuehua but I will include Justin, ChengCheng, zhengting, and Zeren.

Well thxxss for reading 💕💕💞💞💞💕💞💕💞💕

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