Merthur AU chapter 4

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 The Ferris wheel was our last stop before heading home. Arthur had paid off the guy who controlled this thing to stop it on the top and let it go when he gave signals for it. This Ferris wheel wasn't any normal, small, unknown wheel. It was enormous, almost challenging the London Eye. I had been looking forward to this all evening, and now it was about time we had a ride. Grabbing my hand, Arthur led us into a small carriage, supposed to fit four people, but was barely big enough for the two of us. Unsteady, the carriage started the tour upwards. Up, up, up it went.

I glanced at Arthur, and I realized how beautiful his features were, his face dim in the light from the park bellow. He caught my eye and bit his bottom lip, which by the way turned me on. I mustered some courage and dared to look down, tightening my grip on Arthur's hand. What I saw was indescribable. Truly. From up here, one could see the whole landscape and the beautiful night sky, and we were not even at the top.

I must have gasped, considering Arthurs magical laugh was present. His laugh was warm, comforting and deep. I loved it. The carriage stopped wangling at the top, and the view was truly amazing. You could see the fields stretching long into the night and meet with the faded mountains in the horizon, the lights of the stars shimmering far, far away, the faint glow from London, and you could hear distant Tivoli music down in the park. But the far most astonishing sight was the moon. Tonight, the moon seemed more graceful, elegant and proud than ever, especially with the sparkling stars, it was absolutely outstanding.

My gaze was driven to Arthur, as he was the only thing in the world more beautiful than the moon. His eyes met mine and held them out. Studying him, I noticed how much I adore the way his eyelids wrinkles when he is smiling, how his dimples keep showing off, and how much I cherish the way his teeth was slightly crooked, but not enough to get braces.

He inched closer to me. "Thank you Merlin, for coming here with me" he looked nervous. Wait, he was thanking me? He was the one taking me out on a date. "I am the one who should be grateful, I am by the way. You brought me here, you paid for everything, you. Thank you." I could make out a small blush forming on his cheeks. "Anyway, I just, um, wanted to say that, uh, I really like you, a lot. I don't know how to say this, but I think you're really amazing, and funny, and gorgeous, and like you very, very much, I really like spending time with you, and I just like you very much, -perks and all. Would it be possible that we maybe could, you know, have a second date?"

He was too adorable, I couldn't restrain to kiss him, and neither could I think of something to say, so I kissed him. Long and passionately. I am not one for kissing on the first date, but Arthur was different. Kissing him was nothing like anything I had ever experienced before, not that I had experienced much, but still, Arthur was something new, something different and sweet, something unique. His whole personality glowed, like in the Bible pictures; they have this yellow circle around their heads, which is exactly what Arthur has. In my eyes, anyway.

I pulled back for breath, and he seemed to do the same. "Arthur" I sighed, staring directly into his flaming eyes. The lights below were reflected on his face, mostly in his eyes, though. "I really like you, too. But I am starting to think that what I feel is more than that. I believe I am falling for you, Arthur, and I am falling hard and fast. I have to admit, I have never done anything like this, and I am scared to death by all this. Yet, on the other hand, you have made me feel complete and loved. Therefore, I am willing to try." He looked confused at me. Smiling, I explained to him, that yes, we can have a second date.

 Arthur face beamed and he kissed what seemed like every inch of my face, muttering thank you over and over again. That made me very happy. 

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