Chapter one : Rude Awakening (2 yrs later)

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Ah right on freaking time! Ugh god i hate Mondays especially now, I have to go to  stupid pack school and i am not even in a pack. I live in an abandoned house on 3rd street, it is right on the brink rising dawn pack (2 feet from the line) but unfortunately  not. So i am on my old packs territory, not fun.

"Kya get your skinny butt down here and eat! or i am not going to let you have any chocolate pancakes!" i chuckled at Ariela, she was always threatening not to feed me.

But somehow it works...

"Coming mother." i mumbled under my breath

"I heard that!" i could here her laughing from down stairs.

I decided to get up so i can eat, so i rushed to my closet and grabbed black skinny jeans, black glittery spaghetti strap top, my black lace undies, and six inch black heals. After i grabbed my clothing i rushed a shower and blow dried and flat ironed my hair, got dressed, and put on my blackish silverish make up and eye liner, and ran down the stairs.

"Would you stop running! I swear you are goin to break your neack runing in those heals!" Ariela said setting 12 chocolate pancakes infront of me.

She went back to  the stove grabbed 12 and sat down.

"Hot candy canes! Girl you got to slow down! Your goin to get sick someday!"

"Well i haven't now have I?" I replied grabbing my bag heading to the door "Hurry up or your going to miss the rogue train WOO WOO!!!!" i shouted running out the door

I could faintly hear Ariela in hailing pancakes, getting dressed, putting on make up, and coming out the door. She had her back turned to me when she was locking up.

"BOO!!" i said snacking up behinde her.

She screamed and jumped, and almost ripping the doorhandle off. I doubled over with laughter.

"That was so not funny!! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Ariela shouted

I could tell she was trying to be mad at me, but the smile on her face told me she thought it was funny. She turned around to lock the door and i saw her shoulders shacking and a tear drop onto the floor. I immediately stopped laughing and looked at her.

"Oh jeesh Ari.. im.. oh god girl i am sorry i was just tryin to get you to laugh i didnt mean to make you cry!" i pulled her into a hug.

i realized at that moment she was laughing, i pushed her back and she doubled over laughing.

"Your.. face.. priceless!" her face was red with laughter.

The sad part about it was i was laughing just as hard "Lets go!" i shouted

I was still laughing as we went behind the bushes and undressed, we transformed and as always i am surprised at Aris wolf. She has tye die fur of black and blue, with golden eyes.

OMG i luv your wolf i can never get over it

Yes you can Ari

I have dark black and silvery grey fur, when i move or stand still it moves like a open camp fire smoke. My eyes are so dark brown you would think they are black, only way you can tell they are brown is if i look into the direct light.

You comen ladies

Yep clay were coming come on Kya!

It took about 10 minuets to get there, we walked onto to campus in our wolf form. Clay took the front and i took the back, safety porcoutin, and of course when people passed me they whispered our just stared. We were walking through the scoll yard, I smelt him before i saw him, he was a pack member trying to attack ari. I launched my body at him befor he got to her. We flew through the air and i had him on his back with my teeth in his throught. His pack gathered around him, they started to come at me but i bit harder and they saw blood run down. I may not be able to hear them and vise versa, but i know how to get through.

Kya let him go!

I growled at clay but let go. The wolf under me stood up , i dipped my head and growled at him. It was a challenge for him to  try to attack her again. But strangely all he did was back away, i backed up and bumped into Ari. I turned and nudged her with my nose and we ran to go get changed.

After we were changed and i got chewed out by Clay, the guy i fought stopped me.

"What in the rising moon is wrong with you!" he shouted

I looked up at him and smiled "Wouldn't you like to know?"

I walked around him and laughed, he grabbed my shoulder and yanked me back. He threw me so hard i flew through the air, in middle of air i transformed. I came through growling at him with my head dipped low. When i Finlay looked him in they eye i heard his voice, it was like an angel.


It caressed my fur like a feather, then it hit me he was my mate and he knew it. My growl intinsified as i lunged at him, we snapped at eatch other.

What are you doing kya were mates!

I will never mate you!

I lunged at him but was intersepted by an older wolf, who got infront of my limping mate.. wait he is not my mate!

you will stand down rogue or yuo will have your throught ripped out!

i barked a laugh, and looked him in the eyes.

And who are you to tell me what to do old man! Your not my dad! your not my alpha i am my own alpha! and i will not take orders from you!!

By the time i finished i was standing over him and shouting into his mind. I launched at him and i heard his soulder dislocate, i kicked him and the sound of three ribs breaking and puncturing his lung he colapsed on the ground. I was attacked form all sides it was so sudden, none of my people were able to help. One of the wolfs grabbed m left flank and ripped it out of socket and tearing the muscle. I howled in pain and the next thing i saw was Ari standing over me fighting off attackers. I pushed her off of me and started to fight with her, i heard the shot of the gun as i saw it. The smell was silver and heading for Ari, i ran and jummped infront of her as i did that the bullet pierced my lung. Ari ran to me and stood over my body fighting off attackers, i was fading into blackness but i was still concipuse. A growl errupted through the air and the wolfs who were in the pack bowed and parted, but my people split and growled at the person. I saw the person who clamied to be my mate come and pick me up, as he picked me up i shifted back unintintualy, becouse he would see me naked.

"Put.... me... down!" i ment to shout but it came out as a horse whisper

"No." was all he said

i started fadeing out when i saw Ari come beside me.

"Stay with me angel, you have got to stay i cant do this with out you." she was pushed back by the nurses

i was loosing consiousness when i smelt a sent i couldnt place.

"My baby.."

i didnt hear the rest as i was sucked into blacknes.

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