The Flaming Motorcycle of Beyond

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Still third-person.

Secton, Tono, Jofi, Pufdon, and Jef ran out the door. Wrong move. The protesters were already in that hallway. Tono pressed a button on the wall, and a secret door opened up. "This way!" he yelled. They all followed.

As they ran, Jef kept looking back, even though the door had closed behind them.

"Chill man!" Pufdon said. "We're fine!

"I'm just being safe!"

Tono pressed another button, and a side door opened. "We're gonna have to leave the party. The Government is dealing with it."

"Where are we gonna go?" Secton asked, curious.

"To the mall!" Tono opened another door, leading outside. All of a sudden, a motorcycle on fire passed by, carrying three men.

THE ROBERNETOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora