The Strange Men, part 1

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I gasped, frozen. The men all fell into the building. 

"Put your hands up!" One of the men said. He did not get the effect he was hoping for. Everybody ran around screaming, yelling and in all other ways acting like wild pigs. 

"We're looking for a man who calls himself Secton!" Another man yelled.

I gulped. Mostly because I was drinking a glass of water, and I like to gulp water for some reason.

Without thinking, I charged into one of the two speakers. The first one landed safely by the chips, but the other one went head-first into the punch bowl, landing unconsious. The thirteen others circled me, guns facing in. Terrible move with no cordination.

Third-person again for a second. Secton is a alien version of a lawyer. Just letting you know. Back to first-person.

I rolled out of the way, right before five guns went off and five men collapsed. Eight left to go.

I crawled under a table. They all followed me under, and when I got safely out from under it, I climbed on top of it and waited for the group to come out. When they did, I jumped off onto them. Bad move. I saw a blur of glass and wood, and then my world blacked out.

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