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February 23rd, 2014

7:37 p.m.

It was magic. The feeling of her lips on his, her fingers swirling into his hair, it was bliss. It was everything and nothing like the kisses shared with him and Brooke. Physically, it was the same sensations, the same cause and effects.

Emotionally and mentally, it was a whole different mix. It was like soaring. Like flicking off the universe for sticking him with Brooke.

If she could, Max would kiss him forever. The soft curve of his lips, that smile. She could stand here under the stars. She could forever hold onto him, forever smell his smell and taste his taste.

Then, of course, reality cuts in. Max's phone in her shoulder bag went off. Hesitantly, the two lovebirds broke their kiss.

"You should probably answer that," Warren said. Each of them were reluctant to part, but, they each sent the other a goofy grin as Max dug into her phone.

"Hey," she said into the speaker upon answering.

"Where the hell are you, Max?"

"I'm with Warren," she said. She couldn't help but blissfully smile at him as she said so.

"Congradulations," Chloe answered sarcastically. "That doesn't answer my question, Maximus. Where are you?"

"Oh," Max replied quietly. The seriousness of the situation suddenly hit her. "There was a fight in the bathroom. Warren and I took off from the back and went to this tree."

"I already know about the fight. I'm with Dakota now. Get your scrawny asses back here."

With that, Chloe hung up. She didn't sound pissed, just serious. Still, Warren looked at Max. "Is there a problem?"

Max shrugged. "Probably something with Brooke. We should head back."

Warren nodded and held out his hand. Smiling goofily, Max took it. They walked hand in hand back to the dance.

They leisured along slowly. Neither of them wanting to hurry back to the chaos of the party. They stayed silent until Warren felt the need to apologize. "I'm really sorry for how that ended in there. If Brooke had done something..."

"I know, Warren," she interrupted quietly. "I'd rather not have it end as violently as it did. But I'm glad it ended like it did." She squeezed his hand and he knew what she meant.

"How's your face by the way?"

"Better. Still, stings a little."

"Here, I can help that." Max stretched up on her tip toes and kissed Warren's cheek lightly. He rolled his eyes, but his smile betrayed his happiness.

"I hope Dakota's okay," Max spluttered.

"I'm sure she is," Warren answered distractedly. "You know the main reason I had to avoid you?"


"She blackmailed me. She took pictures of you during the Christmas Eve party and threatened to ruin your career. Maybe even get you arrested."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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