Chapter Twelve

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Guns N' Roses blasted through Richie's headphones as his eyes stared out the window of a traveling bus. An old tattered backpack filled with clothes, snacks, and a single water bottle sat between his feet. His teeth grazed over his cold quivering lip as his fingers drummed against his thigh to the beat that played into his ears. The old jean jacket that clung to his torso didn't even help keep the warmth in as it was so thin.

From an outsider's point of view, he looked like some homeless kid who got addicted to drugs early due to the deep bags under his eyes and sickly anxious looking expression. The way he jittered in his seat only added to the effect. His hair looked as though he had done nothing with it for months which was kind of the truth. Richie only washed it then let the curls do their own thing. He couldn't care less what others thought of him.

The bus driver looked back at this kid multiple times through the mirror above the windshield. His old face with scattered wrinkles and freckles would sink to a look of sadness as he looked the boy over. He'd avert his eyes back to the road and not speak a word.

Richie's stomach turned and his heart felt as heavy as a bag of bricks. His stop was coming up. This had been the ninth or tenth bus he'd been on within seven, maybe eight or even nine hours. He had lost count but he knew with every bus meant he was closer to his destination. That thought excited him but at the same scared him.

The bus slowed to a stop and the doors swung open. The driver looked back at the boy again with a look of pure conflict. Richie simply raised to his feet, pulled the old backpack over his shoulder, and walked down the aisle.

"Hey kid" the driver spoke lightly as Richie neared the last step. The driver waved his hand to get the boy's attention. Richie turned back and raised his brow slightly, slowly moving his headphones back from his ears.

"Hm?" He barely muttered.

"Take this" the driver took an umbrella from the side of his seat and held it out toward the kid. "You need it more than I do" it was only then Richie noticed that the rain was really coming down hard.

"Thanks" Richie mumbled as he took the umbrella. As he turned back around, the driver spoke up once again.

"May I ask where you're headed? You really don't look the reasonable age to be out this late, kid" the man sighed.

"Home" was all Richie stated as he stepped down from the bus and opened the umbrella. He fixed his headphones back onto his head as he turned back to the driver and nodded a goodbye before leading himself down the empty street. He noticed the bus take off and watched as the lights traveled down the street ahead. "Home" he repeated to himself more nervously. 

He walked down familiar streets and stared straight ahead. People passed him but they were nothing but a blur to him. He shivered slightly and hugged himself with one arm while the other was busy holding the umbrella over his head. His stomach was twisting itself into knots while his heart raced. Every breath he exhaled floated out into a puff of smoke. 

When he turned down onto the street, his feet stopped moving. His destination was in view and his breathing stopped too for just a moment. His body was shaking but he couldn't tell if it was from the cold or from his own anxiety. 

He forced a step forward. One after another. He stared up at the familiar house and noticed all the lights were off. He closed the umbrella and rested it up against the wall of the house. He then started to climb. His mind still remembered where to grab and step on its own. There was no thinking. He just went. 

"Moment of truth" he whispered to himself. He gently pushed up on the glass window.

Eddie rolled over in his bed. His room had suddenly gotten colder. He pulled the blankets up over himself and curled up more. His eyes snapped open as he heard noise from just across his bedroom. He gulped and slowly peeked over the blankets. He stared at the darkness but didn't see anything. He shook his head and laid his head back down on his pillow.

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