bonus: mar. 29, 2018

7 1 0

dear ___,

i returned everything, and you could care less. as usual. so here i am, still caring, still mad, while you're still indifferent and seeking comfort in another person. go ahead. please. break my heart even more because it's not like you even care. and i've cared for too long. and you've broken my heart too many times. and i've cried over you too many times. JUST GET OUT OF MY FUCKING LIFE FOR FUCK SAKES! because i can't keep seeing you happy with her. and i can't stand the fact that you lied to me, and you used me to get her. i hope one day you realize what you've done, but it'll be too late anyway. because when i gave you everything back, you were silent. because when i gave you everything, your first instinct was to give it all away. because you don't know what you do, and if you do then god you're a fucking stupid dumb fuck with nothing left to justify your actions. 

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