Ch.7 Banquet Part 3

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"Is everything prepared properly?"

"Yes, your majesty...don't worry....we have tightened security around the mansion"

"Well then, shall we get the show on the road Yona dear~"

"Shush droopy eyes and just do your job properly"

"Yah! hurry up you two, we need to get going...ya hear me thunder beast!?"

"Everyone is so exited right miss~"

"Hehe...yup, let's get going everyone, we can't let our guest wait for us much longer"


"Your majesty, is the banquet to your liking?" Zang Yong asked Yona as she was taking a sip of her wine, of course it was light wine that Hak had personally prepared for her. Sine he knew that she couldn't handle her alcohol all that much

"Yes, it is....the dancers are espically beautiful and memorizing....."

"If you like, I can have one of the male dancers attend to you for the rest of the evening your majesty"

Yona chocked while sipping her wine, causing Hak; who was besides her to pat her back lightly.  "No no, that won't be necessary" Yona said with a small smile after she finished coughing 

"Are you sure? I noticed that you were staring at one of the male dancers earlier...."

Hak's hand that was patting Yona's back stopped anon hearing Zang Yong's words. Before the Zang Yong could say another word, Yona quickly said "I'm afraid that theres been a misunderstanding, what I was looking at was what was behind the male dancer" She said while pointing her finger in a certain direction

"Behind him?" Zang Yong looked in the direction, Yona was was pointing towards

Behind the male dancer, there was a beautiful cherry tree planted in the center, surrounded my traditional styled lamps. The gentle breeze causes its delicate petals to fall, covering its surroundings.

"I don't understand, your majesty" he looked back to Yona with a confused expression

"What is there to understand about the queens taste?" Hak asked the young lord while raising one his eyebrows

"Oh no, I didn't mean to insult her majesty on her preference of scenery" the young lord quickly responded while shaking his head side to side

"Hehe, its quite alright." She says to him with a light chuckle "As for the answer to you question, sometimes the most simple things,can make be the most beautiful creation in the world" She maintains a soft gaze while talking to him "Not everything needs to be extravagant, its best to enjoy everything single detail in life or else before you know it, it will be too late to fully enjoy anything...let alone experience it" 

"Your majesty?" Hak calls her in a soft tone 

"Hmmm?" Yona answers him without looking in his direction

"Are you alright?" Zong Yong asks her with a concerned expression

"Ohh,yes I'm just fine" She replies quickly with a smile "I'm sorry, you made all this preparations for me to enjoy and yet here I am, lecturing you on such nonsense" 

"No, please don't apologize my long as you have some type of enjoyment while staying here then its quite alright" 

"Hehe, thank you....your so kind"

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